Pumpkin sandwiches

2023-10-29 18:51:21BREADS


  The nutritional value of pumpkins doesn't need to be overstated, just the golden yellow color makes you love them.I first cut the pumpkin into pieces, put it on the bowl, then cover the plate, put it in the microwave, wait for it to warm up, put it in the oven, then add the right amount of clean water, as long as I can turn the pumpkin paste.There are two advantages to using a wall breaker.One is through the function of breaking the wall, breaking the cell wall of the pumpkin molecule, fully releasing the nutrients in it, thus maximizing the attraction of the human body; the other is that the paste produced by the wall breaker is more delicate than that used in ordinary cooking machines.Clean water is added gradually when the machine beats the pumpkin, so there is no specific amount.The less water is added, the more viscous the paste is, the more total pumpkin is used in the dough, so the color is beautiful on the one hand, and more importantly, more access to the nutrients that the pumpkin provides.So in the following recipe, the amount of pumpkin paste will be much higher than the amount of water or milk, and that's because my pumpkin paste is very thick, so the ratio is correspondingly higher.If you like this recipe and want to try it, it is recommended not to pour all the pumpkin paste into the flour, depending on the situation. Oh! You also have to consider the water absorption of the flour.



High starch powder 260 grams
210 grams of pumpkin paste
3.5 grams of yeast
White sugar 15 grams
20 grams of butter
Red bean sand in moderation
Red dried moderate amount
A little milk on the surface

How TO MADE Pumpkin sandwiches

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the bread ingredients are ready.

2. First, wrap the pumpkin paste in white sugar, then pour the flour into the yeast.

3. After the dough is kneaded, add the softened butter and continue kneading.

4. The transparent film can be gently pulled out of the dough.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is rounded and placed in a barrel for basic fermentation, which can be covered with a wet cloth to prevent the surface of the dough from drying.

6. When the dough is 2.5 times the size of the original, dip your finger in the flour, poke a hole in the top of the dough, do not collapse, do not shrink, the fermentation is successful

7. Remove the dough, place it on the kneading pad, exhaust it, then use a scraper to cut it into dozens of pieces of varying sizes, loosen it for 5 minutes

8. Take a small piece of dough, beat it by hand into a small cake, and put a moderate amount of red bean sand in the middle.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Dough seals

10. Roll the dough in the milk bowl and put it in the non-sticky baking mold.

11. The rest of the dough is processed in turn, placed in the baking mold, and a few red beans are sprinkled sporadically, both to regulate the flavor, increase the flavor, and make the finished bean sand dough easy to separate.

12. After the remaining dough is processed, the dough is placed in a baking mold, with six minutes of about two or three layers of dough, and the excess dough is placed in a small baking mold of 4 inches.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Put it in the oven for clean fermentation, put a bowl of water in the oven to add moisture, wait for the dough to be twice the size of the original, take it out, brush a layer of milk on the surface; the oven begins to preheat 180 degrees

14. Put the bread and baking powder in the lower layer of the preheated oven, 180 degrees, 25 to 30 minutes, wait for the bread to mature in the small baking powder, it can be removed in advance; when the surface color is satisfactory, a layer of tin paper can be added

15. After the bread comes out of the oven, it is immediately turned upside down, dried on the drying rack and packed in a bag.

16. Enjoy the finished product

Steps 17 to 20

17. Enjoy the finished product

18. Enjoy the finished product

19. Enjoy the finished product

Handy cooking tips

  Pumpkin paste is made by cooking pumpkin pieces in a microwave and adding a small amount of clean water to the cooking machine to make a paste, so it is very thick, so the flour in the recipe is 260 grams, while the pumpkin paste has reached 210 grams.So the specific amount of pumpkin paste, first look at the water absorption rate of the flour, second look at the thickness of the pumpkin paste, it is better not to put it all in at once, reserve a small part; the dough is divided into portions of different sizes, the amount of soy sauce should also be adjusted according to the size of the dough; each dough is covered with a layer of milk, because when making it is considered to divide the finished product into a small ball, take it easy to eat, if you want a more complete soy sauce, it is recommended to cover a layer of butter, which can be both well layered and add flavor.