Blueberry, walnut, and purple bread

2023-10-29 18:58:47BREADS


  Emma, the name is too long.



300 grams of wheat flour
75 grams of wheat flour (not substituted with starch)
40 grams of dried purple potatoes
6 grams of yeast
3 grams of salt
270 grams of water

How TO MADE Blueberry, walnut, and purple bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Place all the powdered yeast salt mixture evenly in a bowl of flour, dig a hole in the middle, add 270 grams of cold water, mix into snowflakes, then pour on the workbench and knead by hand

2. The dough is sticky at this time.

3. After picking up the dough with one hand and forcefully dropping it to the surface of the workbench, roll the dough in a circle, and with the other hand take the scraper and hang the dough on your hand and send it to the surface.

4. Repeat 80 to 100 times until you can pull out a layer of transparent membrane that won't break when you pull out the dough.

5. Divide the dough into four equal parts, roll round, cover with a bowl of dough, spread to twice the size, at room temperature for about 80-90 minutes

6. One by one, the dough is exhausted, crushed, a small amount of blueberry dried and chopped walnuts are added, two are rolled into olive shapes, and the remaining two are rolled into round shapes.

7. Put it in a baking tray with baking paper, and ferment it again in the oven to twice its size.

8. The fermented dough is removed from the pan and sprayed with water one by one.

9. The oven is preheated at 200 degrees.

10. Place the pan in a preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes.

11. At 15 minutes, remove the pan, spray water and rotate 180 degrees in and out and then reinsert.

12. After the timer is turned off, the baked bread is removed and placed on the oven to dry.

13. When it cools down, you can cut it and enjoy it.

14. The skin is crisp, organized and vigorous, and the sweetness of blueberries, the scent of walnuts, and the purple potatoes and spices!