Red bean bread

2023-10-29 19:01:27BREADS


  Adding some low-fat flour to the dough can make the bread taste softer.However, low-quality flour is not readily available and can be made from plain flour and cornstarch.



280 grams of flour
30 grams of flour
10 grams of cornstarch
Red bean sand in moderation
40 grams of fine sugar
5 grams of yeast
190 grams of milk
25 grams of corn oil
40 grams of egg
2 grams of salt
Black sesame in moderation

How TO MADE Red bean bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix all the bread ingredients into a cluster.

2. Use your hands to remove the membrane.

3. It is cooked in a warm place with a protective film.

4. Ferment until it is twice as big, and use your fingers to stick the dried flour, and the dough will not shrink.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is divided into 12 pieces, rubbed round and then the preservative is loosened for 15 minutes.

6. Take a piece of dough, crush it and wrap it in bean sand balls.

7. After wrapping, press the lid down with your hand until it is slightly flat.

8. Cut eight petals with scissors.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put it on the grill and brush the eggs on the surface.

10. Wet the head of the dough with water, dip some sesame seeds, and put it in the middle of the bread.

11. Put the pan in the oven, put a bowl of hot water underneath, and ferment for 20 minutes.

12. Preheat the oven and bake at 150 degrees for 15 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  Don't add all the water or milk at once, add about 90% first, then adjust slowly.A small amount of water can be dipped by hand to continue grinding the dough.It's better to sweeten the soy sauce in the 3D packaging, so it tastes better.