Honey flowers

2023-10-29 19:01:32BREADS


  The surface is sweet, the middle is soft, and the bottom is crispy, and this is the endless honey-roasted head in South Korea.I couldn't find the original recipe, so I changed it myself, but it's not pure, but it's more in line with my taste.My favorite, of course, is the sweet crispy bottom, but I've been dipping a lot of stuff.Treat me, my aunt never gives me a discount.Either it's light, or it's heavy.When it came out, it was very well received by our children and the adults at the head of the household.It's not easy to get praise from my family when they eat more of what I make.So this honey cake is still worth making.



200 grams of starch
100 grams of milk
50 grams of low-fat flour
One egg.
40 grams of fine sugar
3 grams of dry yeast
1 gram of salt
Low starch powder (bottom dip) 15 g
5 grams of white sesame (bottom dip)
A little corn oil (dipped at the bottom)
Fine sugar (bottom dip) 8 g

How TO MADE Honey flowers

Steps 1 to 4

1. Since this bread is made by direct fermentation, all the ingredients of the dough are thrown into the bread bucket.

2. Look at me, I'm lazy, the eggs don't break, they go straight in, don't learn from me.

3. Then start the kneading process, kneading for about 20 minutes, until the dough expands, that is, the film can be pulled out unbroken.

4. After that, the dough is left in the bread barrel for basic fermentation, to twice the size of the original, which took me two hours.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It is used as a dip material near the end of fermentation.

6. Mix the bottom dip and show the state as shown in the figure.

7. The dough is then pressurized and divided into eight equal parts, each small part is rounded.

8. After that, the small dough is kneaded into a beef tongue, and if the dough is sticky, it can be sprinkled with anti-sticky powder.

Steps 9 to 12

9. It is then rolled up as shown in the figure.

10. And everything in between.

11. Then cut the face down, dip the bottom in the material prepared in step 4, be sure to dip more, the roast is rich and crispy.

12. Roll the bread that has been dipped in the base into an 8-inch cake plate.

Steps 13 to 16

13. You can use any other toaster, but it's better to have a side, otherwise the dough will start to twist from east to west.

14. Put all the bread rolls in the picture.

15. The bread is then placed in a warm, moist place for a second fermentation, which lasts for 40 minutes.

16. I usually put a bowl of boiling water in the oven and close the oven door.

Steps 17 to 20

17. It doesn't look like much, it's already fat.

18. After that, add a thin layer of corn oil to the surface of the bread, add a little corn oil to the bottom of the cake mold, and sprinkle white sesame on top.

19. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, then bake on medium heat for about 15 minutes.

20. To avoid excessive surface coloring due to high temperature, a layer of tin foil can be applied after surface coloring.

21. Mine is a little heavy.

22. After cooking, rub a layer of honey water on the surface while it is hot (honey and water 1:1 ratio), then cool down, and eat again two hours later.

23. This is the bottom dip, and here's the secret to a good meal.

24. It's very popular.

Handy cooking tips

  Two sentences: When brushing the surface, you can also use whole egg juice.2 grams of corn oil poured into the mold to best cover the bottom of the mold.3 Don't use the bottom of the bread mold, it will leak oil, or you can put tin paper on the bottom of the bottom of the mold.4 The bottom dip is recommended to be dipped vigorously, the more it comes out, the thicker it is