Rose bread

2023-10-29 19:03:57BREADS





Spontaneous pollination
Purple potatoes in moderation
Carrots in moderation
Strawberry sauce in moderation
A moderate amount of milk
White sugar in moderation

How TO MADE Rose bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Purple potatoes and carrot slices, steamed

2. Ground into purple potato paste and carrot paste

3. Take a bowl and pour it into a bowl of flour, purple potato paste, a little milk, sugar.

4. And into a dough.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Do the same with carrots.

6. And the dough is coated with a preservative and fermented for 40 minutes.

7. Take a slightly larger dough, rub it into a long strip, cut it into five pieces with a knife, sprinkle a little dry powder on the pattern, and use the dough stick to make a circle

8. The five slices are stacked in rows, the middle is pressed with chopsticks, and the top one is covered with strawberry sauce.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Roll the film up and cut it with a knife on the pressed stamp.

10. When it's cut, it's two roses.

11. Cooked in a pan

12. Finished product