Clean and Healthy Whole Wheat Toast

2023-10-29 19:06:42BREADS





230 grams of high starch flour
20 grams of whole wheat flour
One whole egg.
130 ml of water
3 grams of yeast
10 grams of butter
20 g of white sugar
A little salt.

How TO MADE Clean and Healthy Whole Wheat Toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials except butter, ground into the expansion stage.

2. After adding the butter and stirring, the whole wheat dough does not need to be stirred until the full stage, it is almost ready.

3. The fermentation is twice as big, and the middle sticky flour digging holes doesn't shrink back.

4. Orthography, divided into three parts.

Steps 5 to 8

5. 150 grams each.

6. Intermediate fermentation 15 minutes

7. Wrap it in a toast box, two slices, and fill it to eight.

8. Baked at 170 degrees for 35 minutes.

9. This is flat.

10. It's mountainous, and it's sprinkled with sesame.

11. It's delicious to make sandwiches with a little bit of butter!

12. This is the most common toast in the house!