Pumpkin farmer's bread

2023-10-29 19:06:42BREADS


  Farmer's bread is a simple bread, a bread that is hard on the outside but firm and soft on the inside.The basic dough of the farmer's bread must have a hard surface skin, because it does not require a long time of stirring, the dough does not fully form, and the water absorption of the dough is not high, so, depending on the degree of expansion, the shape inside will also vary greatly.If the muscles are stronger, the swelling will be greater, and the mouth will be lighter, and if the muscles are weaker, the swelling will be smaller, and the mouth will be stronger.Farmer's bread can have many variations on the basic dough, mixing different fillings, such as various dried fruits, various dried fruits, or chocolate, to form different flavors.Pumpkin farmer's bread is made by mixing roasted pumpkins in the base dough, with a granular taste, and has both a flour flavor and a pumpkin flavor, making breakfast very satisfying.



500 grams of high-quality flour
6 grams of salt
2 grams of malt sugar
1 g of dry yeast
About 400 grams of water (adjusted for home flour)
Pumpkin 100 grams (can be adjusted at will)

How TO MADE Pumpkin farmer's bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pumpkin roasted and chopped

2. All the ingredients are mixed except for the pumpkin, and the cook's machine is stirred twice, and the mixture is completely mixed.

3. Because of the particularly high moisture content, it is a very thin viscous state after mixing.

4. Pumpkin added to dough

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir for another 2 minutes and the pumpkin and dough are stirred evenly.

6. Along the edge of the bowl, insert the scraper into the group below, fold it towards the center, turn the bowl once, fold it four times exactly one circle.

7. Cover the preservative film for half an hour and repeat the same operation.

8. The first fermentation, about 3 hours, at room temperature, about 26 degrees Celsius.

Steps 9 to 12

9. A large amount of hand powder is applied to the board, transferring the finished dough to the board.

10. Because the dough is particularly moist, after it is transferred to the board, the surface of the dough has a torn network of tissue.

11. Slightly flatten the dough, then fold it one-third to the center.

12. Fold up and down one-third, then flip over, set for 15 minutes (there's a point to be made here, if you stretch and fold again when folding, it will increase the firmness of the dough, if it's just a normal fold, it won't increase the firmness, the question of whether to stretch is mentioned at the beginning, mainly the difference in hardness, taste and taste)

Steps 13 to 16

13. After rolling, let stand for 15 minutes, then flatten the dough and cut it into four pieces with a knife.

14. Slightly shaped, covered with a preservative film, second fermentation at room temperature for about 40 minutes

15. After the dough is cooked, sprinkle the hand powder and make a slit with a knife.

16. The oven is preheated at 250 °C, the dough is steamed before and after entering the oven (hot water can be produced by preheating with stones or by spraying hot water directly from the kettle), it is heated at 250 °C, lowered to 230 °C, and baked for about 20 minutes.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Finished product 2

18. Finished product 3

19. Finished product 4

20. Internal organization 1

21. Internal organization 2

Handy cooking tips

  1 loaf of bread is a farmer's bread base dough + pumpkin, add anything else and it becomes another farmer's bread, you can play at will, pay attention to the moisture content of the added material, adjust the moisture content of the dough 2 loaf of bread when folded, if stretched and folded again, it increases firmness, the dough expands high, the inner hole is large, the finished taste is relatively light; if folded directly, it does not increase firmness, the dough expands not high, the inner hole is small, the taste is relatively firm