The bread of love

2023-10-29 19:09:11BREADS


  Now the weather in Chongqing is very hot, but I'm interested in bread, because the temperature is high, the fermentation is fast, it feels like it won't take long to get it done, it's better for me than waiting for the long winter.The happiest part of every day is waiting for my husband to come home for dinner, to watch him sweep away all the food I've prepared, and then to wipe his mouth and say, "Well, good food, good food".This is a woman's little happiness.



250 grams of high-quality flour
35 grams of butter
2 grams of salt
4 grams of yeast
110 ml of milk
40 grams of white sugar
One egg.
50 grams of coconut
15 grams of butter
One egg yolk
10 g of white sugar

How TO MADE The bread of love

Steps 1 to 4

1. Ingredients: 250 grams of starchy flour, 35 grams of butter, 2 grams of table salt, 4 grams of yeast, 110 ml of milk, 40 grams of white sugar, one egg

2. Put the high-quality flour, white sugar, salt, yeast flour, eggs, milk in the wrapping machine, select and knead the buttons, rub until the dough surface is smooth (about twenty)

3. Put 35 grams of butter in the wrapping machine, stir again for 20 minutes, and the dough is smooth and elastic.

4. The surface is rubbed into an expanded state, and a large film can be pulled out.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put it in a bowl for one fermentation.

6. After softening the butter, add fine sugar and scattered egg juice to stir, then pour into the coconut oil to stir.

7. Mix coconut oil and butter by hand to make coconut oil.

8. Remove the dough from the bread machine, pressurize the gas, divide it into eight pieces, cover it with a preservative film and loosen it for 15 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Grow the dough into a square.

10. Take the right amount of coconut oil and put it on the skin.

11. Roll the skin on one side.

12. Then use a scraper on the other side to cut into small strips as wide as the gap, as shown in the figure.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Cut the small pieces, one by one, on the whole noodle, as shown in the picture.

14. The whole dough is joined together and glued together to form a circle.

15. A second fermentation is carried out in the baking pan, fermenting to twice the original volume.

16. Place the whole plate of fermented bread in a preheated oven, heat it up to 180 degrees and bake it for 15 minutes.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Freshly baked bread should be dripping like this, pressing the sides of the bread up and down with your hand, immediately bouncing back, that's just right, my bread is very elastic.

Handy cooking tips

  The key to making bread is to remove the film.It's easier to make bread when the dough comes out.2, fermented dough to look good in color, whole egg juice is a good choice.3, when the second fermentation, the temperature should not be too high, if the temperature is too high, small freckles will easily appear