High-quality yogurt

2023-10-29 19:09:14BREADS





250 grams of high-quality flour
Dry yeast 1 and 1/2 teaspoon
30 grams of butter
30 grams of eggs
3 grams of salt
45 grams of fine sugar
15 grams of milk powder
120 grams of water

How TO MADE High-quality yogurt

Steps 1 to 4

1. Dissolve the dry yeast in a small amount of water and let stand for about five minutes, mix the high-strength flour, egg flour, salt, fine sugar, milk flour, yeast water and the remaining water evenly, knead into a dough, knead until the dough is firm, add softened butter, continue to knead until the dough reaches the full stage that can pull out a very thin film.

2. The good dough is put in a bowl, covered with a preservative film or a wet cloth, fermented for about an hour at about 28 degrees, fermented to 2-2.5 times the size, stick the flour with your fingers, the finger holes do not shrink, this indicates that the fermentation is good.

3. The fermented dough is squeezed by hand, allowing the gases inside the dough to escape.

4. Roll the exhausted dough, wrap it in a preservative film, and leave it at room temperature for 15 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is baked in an oval shape with a doughnut stick, the width of the oval needs and the length of the toast mold.

6. After baking, the dough is turned upside down, so that the original is on the bottom side facing up.

7. Roll from top to bottom.

8. Rolled into a long strip.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put the coiled long strips in the toast mold.

10. It is fermented at around 38 degrees Celsius and 85% humidity to a full 8 percent (if made with a lid, it is fermented to a full 9 percent).

11. A layer of whole egg juice can be placed on the surface of the fermented toast and baked in a preheated oven.

12. 165 degrees, about 35 minutes.

13. After cooking, it is cooled on a cooling rack.

14. Cut after cooling.


Handy cooking tips

  This toast is very soft and delicious, and it smells like milk.Although it is made using direct methods, it also has a unique flavor.In particular, its texture is soft and soft, even if it is left for 2-3 days, it can maintain a loose and soft taste.In addition to the methods mentioned in this article, the method of preparation of this dough can also be used for the preparation of milk white dough.It needs to cool down before it can be sliced, otherwise it will be too soft to cut.