Tea and honey toast

2023-10-29 19:11:52BREADS





Bread flour (high starch flour) 375 g
8 grams of tea powder
55 grams of white sugar
4 grams of anchovies
230 grams of pure milk
3 grams of salt
Eggs 38 grams
45 grams of butter
50 grams of honey (moderately reduced)

How TO MADE Tea and honey toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the materials, honeybees are in the picture behind the honeybees.

2. Pour milk, salt in the upper left corner, sugar in the lower right corner, and eggs in the bread maker.

3. Add the powdered tea powder.

4. Then gently make a small hole in the middle of the flour and put it in the yeast.

Steps 5 to 8

5. In the filling box, pour the honey beans.

6. Choose the standard bread, burn color: medium, weight: 750 g i.e. medium weight, ingredients: ? and then you can start making it with one button.

7. After 10 minutes of making the bread, pour it into the softened butter.

8. If you're afraid of trouble, you can put butter in the milk at the beginning.

Steps 9 to 12

9. When the dough is kneaded at different stages of the baking process, the liquid crystal display of the baking machine will have a unique display to tell us what stage of production it is at.

10. Before baking the bread, we can brush a layer of egg yolk on top of the bread (don't bother brushing either).

11. After five hours, after hearing the drip, the bread is ready, put on the gloves and raise the bread bucket, each time the bread bucket feels like a harvest, and after the bread cools, you can eat the slices.

12. Matcha tea with honey beans combined with sweetness and freshness

13. It can also be made with a bread maker to make the taste super soft.

14. This toast is served with a juice-milk coffee drink, and it's delicious without the jelly, without the secondary processing.


Handy cooking tips

  This tea honey bean sauce is made with a 375g recipe, if you want to make 250g, refer to the recipe given in the brackets at the back of the recipe.