Sweet and sour bread

2023-10-29 19:12:58BREADS





250 grams of high-quality flour
50 grams of white sugar
3 grams of dry yeast flour
2 grams of salt
100 grams of warm water
One egg (about 50 grams)
Vegetable oil (sunflower seed oil) 20 g
Half an egg yolk.
White sesame in moderation

How TO MADE Sweet and sour bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add the ingredients other than vegetable oils in the main ingredient to the bread barrel one at a time in the order of liquid and powder (hand rubbing is no longer required in this order) put in the packaging machine and process the dough for 20 minutes

2. Let the bread maker rest for 10 minutes, add the vegetable oil, and process the dough for 20 minutes (if you rub it by hand, you can pull out the film until it is fully expanded).

3. After completing the dough, the fermentation function lasts 40 minutes (dough is not fermented in a baker's oven by placing it in a warm place with a preservative film on top).

4. Fermented to 2-2.5 times larger.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Take it out, rub it properly, exhaust it.

6. Divided into about one for every 15 grams.

7. Take three pieces and pinch your neck.

8. Make a braid, pinch the tail, put it in the oven, leave some space.

9. Put warm water in the oven and preheat it to 38 degrees.

10. Put in the oven for a second fermentation for 40 minutes to double the size.

11. After the second fermentation, brush the surface with a thin layer of egg yolk and sprinkle sesame seeds.

12. Preheat the oven 180 degrees on and off the fire for 12 minutes.

13. (The temperature time is self-adjusted according to the heat of your oven)

Handy cooking tips

  The fermentation time varies depending on the temperature of the water, but the non-bread maker fermentation is more affected by the ambient temperature of the room, so everything is aimed at the state to be reached.