Black tea toast

2023-10-29 19:13:49BREADS


  Today's inventory, it was done before, then the weather was not so hot this year's summer is really hot crazy ah, the high temperature lasted for so long, the signs of observation have not subsided is really hot death, many people say that doing things in the kitchen is a sin ah here to remind everyone, the amount of toast yeast to make in the baking machine in the summer should be reduced, it is estimated that 2 g is enough to ferment bread in the summer high temperature, if not reduce the yeast it is easy to overheat oh the process of bread is doomed, so if you control the raw materials in this weather, the temperature of fermentation is enough, if you keep the refrigerator cold after fermentation and the main dough better, even if the baking machine is heated, maybe the dough will not be too high



210 grams of flour
120 grams of water
2 grams of salt
2 grams of dry yeast
High powder 90 grams
12 grams of milk powder
36 grams of whole egg juice
White sugar 36 grams
1 gram of salt
0.5 grams of dry yeast
30 grams of butter
Boiled black tea + 36 grams of tea

How TO MADE Black tea toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mixed raw materials

2. Fermentation at room temperature up to four times

3. Two packs of black tea + milk, boil over a small fire, pour out for cooling backup

4. Mix the ingredients of the medium and the ingredients of the main dough, first remove the tea leaves from the tea bag, then add the black tea juice

Steps 5 to 8

5. Start the standard bread maker procedure (3:15), and wait for the mold to dry.

Handy cooking tips

  The weather has been hot lately, so fermentation at room temperature is possible.