Tearing bread with coconut

2023-10-29 19:13:50BREADS





250 grams of flour
3 grams of dry yeast
15 grams of fine sugar
13 grams of egg
165 grams of milk
2 grams of salt
15 grams of unsalted butter

How TO MADE Tearing bread with coconut

Steps 1 to 4

1. Flour, dry yeast, refined sugar, salt all in the bowl, stir evenly

2. Add milk, eggs, put in the blender and stir.

3. Stir the dough together, then add the softened butter and continue stirring.

4. The dough is stirred until it can be pulled into a thin film, as shown in the picture, and then the dough is stirred and fermented twice as much at room temperature.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Fermented dough, disinfected, evenly divided into three parts, loosened for 15 minutes

6. The loose dough is shaped like this, in long slices.

7. The cooked coconut filling is spread evenly on the skin, then folded inwards on both sides, left and right.

8. The dough is then rolled and placed in a mold for final fermentation, which is fermented until the mold is 8 minutes full, in an oven at 175-180 degrees, on high heat, and baked for 30 to 35 minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  In hot weather, the baked bread should be eaten as soon as possible, and the unfinished bread should be put in a sealed bag and stored in the refrigerator, so that the bread will still be soft.