Sesame and coconut bread

2023-10-29 19:14:37BREADS


  Although it's hard to make dough by hand, especially in hot weather like this, and you sweat when you make the dough, but when the scented bread comes out of the oven, it's worth it, because the hand-made bread is so good to eat.It's hard to make bread and dough for days on end, but the pursuit of good food requires a spirit of perseverance, eating and drinking!



140 grams of high-quality flour
10 grams of whole egg juice
15 grams of butter
20 g of white sugar
1 teaspoon of high-sugar yeast
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of milk powder
80 grams of skimmed milk
30 grams of coconut
10 grams of coconut
10 g of white sugar
Whole egg juice (filled with coconut) 20 grams
Whole egg juice (brushed surface) 20 g

How TO MADE Sesame and coconut bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix all the main ingredients except butter, taking care to separate the high-sugar yeast and salt to prevent yeast inactivation.

2. After kneading into a smooth dough, add butter to the dough and knead into the fully expanded stage.

3. The dough is covered with a preservative film and fermented at room temperature to 2.5 times its size, which takes about an hour at 28 degrees.

4. The dough is then evenly divided into five doughs, covered with a preservative film, and fermented for 15 minutes at room temperature.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Take a dough, knead it into an oval, put it in the middle, fold the skin of the dough on both sides to the middle, cut it upright with a knife, roll it into a spiral and knead it.

6. The pan is coated with oil paper, and a third fermentation is carried out, which is twice as large as the previous one, and the fermentation takes 40 minutes.

7. Gently apply a layer of whole egg juice on top of the bread.

8. Preheat the oven at 160 degrees and bake for 20 minutes at 160 degrees.
