Caterpillar bread

2023-10-29 19:16:10BREADS


  It's been a long time since I've made bread, and it's been a long time since I've made bread, and it's been a long time since I've made bread, and it's been a long time since I've made bread.It looks like there's still someone at home who doesn't cook at my mother's house, or who eats together, haha, this time the whole family is reunited, I have to cook well.Caterpillar bread, it's a very classic bread, it's found in bakeries of all sizes, the recipe for this bread was copied by the nut sister, the recipe is good, the bread is very soft, like the caterpillar in the bakery, I made it and sent it to my mother, she thought I bought it from the bakery!



250 grams of flour
20 grams of butter
145 grams of clean water
20 grams of egg juice
10 grams of milk powder
2 grams of salt
3 grams of yeast powder
50 grams of white sugar
38 grams of sesame oil
55 grams of egg juice
38 grams of flour
75 grams of clean water
38 grams of butter

How TO MADE Caterpillar bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The method of making foam paste: the sesame oil is placed in a small pot with butter and clear water, heated to boil.

2. Add high powder to stir evenly.

3. After cooling, add the egg juice in stages and mix it into a paste and put it in a flower bag.

4. Bread: in addition to butter 20 g, high flour 250 g white sugar 50 g baking yeast flour 3 g baking salt 2 g baking milk powder 10 g baking egg juice 20 g baking water 145 g put baking machine mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed

Steps 5 to 8

5. Exhaust, split 6 and so on.

6. 15 minutes at room temperature.

7. Take the first one, the growth square.

8. The bottom is flattened, rolled into a cylinder, squeezed at the mouth, rolled evenly on the grill, and made six in a row.

9. Finally fermented to twice the size.

10. Brush the eggs and squeeze them into a bubble paste.

11. Oven preheated 180 degrees, medium layer, up and down fire, 15 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  It's pretty good to cut jam or cream when you're eating it, it's not worth it, it's very good to eat it.