Whole wheat bread

2023-10-29 19:16:17BREADS


  This time the bread is added to the dough.The baked bread is very soft.The face is a fermented dough.When making fermented dough, after fermenting the extra base, the dough is wrapped in a preservative film, placed in the refrigerator freezer for one week or kept at a constant temperature for two days.Before use, the old dough is removed and reheated at room temperature, after which the new dough can be added.The dough is an excellent natural additive, and the dough with the dough is very flexible, tasty and moisturizing.You can also do it without yeast, but it's slower to ferment with yeast, so I'm adding some yeast here.



175 grams of high starch flour
2 grams of dry yeast
150 grams of flour
113 grams of water
How much is enough?
75 grams of whole wheat
15 grams of sugar
5 grams of skimmed milk powder
15 grams of butter
Water (soaked whole wheat flour) 63 grams
5 grams of salt

How TO MADE Whole wheat bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Whole wheat flour 75 grams

2. Add 63 grams of water to whole wheat flour.

3. Mix water and whole wheat flour and soak for three hours.

4. Dry yeast is mixed with warm water to make yeast water.

Steps 5 to 8

5. All materials except butter are weighed and mixed evenly.

6. Put the soaked whole wheat flour face and other ingredients together.

7. Add the mixed yeast water.

8. The material is kneaded into a smooth dough using the post-kneading method, adding the flour and kneading evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. It is coated with a preservative film for fermentation.

10. The dough is well fermented.

11. The fermented dough is pressed flat and exhausted.

12. Divide the dough into ten equal parts.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The sliced dough is loose for 15 minutes.

14. Take a loose piece of dough and combine it into a circle.

15. A suitable amount of dry powder is sprinkled on the bread germ.

16. The bread embryos are placed on a toaster for secondary fermentation.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Fermented bread germ, oven: baking grade: 150 °C preheated for 5 minutes, baked for 25 minutes

18. A small baked bread.
