Purple bread with flowers

2023-10-29 19:17:54BREADS


  It is beautifully shaped, fragrant, sweet and tasty, and is very popular with the family.Last week I made a Chinese stew, and today I'm going to do the same thing, and I'm going to make a Western-style stew, a purple potato bread.



High starch powder 300 grams
15 grams of milk powder
Milk 140 grams (based on flour water absorption gain or loss)
20 grams of corn oil
3 grams of yeast
40 grams of white sugar
One egg.
1 gram of salt
200 grams of mashed potatoes
Moderate amount of sesame
A little bit of salad dressing.

How TO MADE Purple bread with flowers

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare all the ingredients.

2. Mix high starch milk powder, egg yolk, sugar and salt into a dough, knead until the sugar is completely mixed, add yeast and knead until the thick film comes out.

3. Add corn oil five times (each time the oil is mixed with the dough and then another oil is added, a small amount of oil is added gradually to mix) mix until fully expanded (out of the thin film)

4. The dough is placed in a warm place for basic fermentation to 2-2.5 times the size.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Repeatedly rubbing the exhaust.

6. Divide the dough into uniform portions, roll the exhaust in turn, and let it cool at room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes.

7. A small dough is pressed flat and placed in a purple potato sauce and squeezed tightly.

8. It is slowly kneaded into a slightly longer elliptical shape, without excessive force, to prevent the breaking of the filling from being exposed, and then carefully cut on the dough with a sharp blade, cutting into a uniform cut, breaking only a layer of skin.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dough is turned over, rolled into a cylinder, with the bottom facing down, open when preventing fermentation.

10. In a circle, the two ends are joined together and squeezed (roll one end tighter and insert the other end tightly).

11. .

12. Put it in a pan with oil paper, put it in a warm place for a second fermentation to double the size, brush the whole egg juice, sprinkle sesame, squeeze two circles of coconut salad sauce along the top.

13. Put in the oven 130 degrees, middle and lower layers, bake for 18-22 minutes.

14. After baking, the bread is dried a little and put in a fresh bag.


Handy cooking tips

  The temperature is adjusted according to your oven.During the baking process, it is found that the surface of the bread is coloured and can be covered with a layer of tin paper.