Super soft soft cream toast

2023-10-29 19:17:54BREADS


  The amount of light cream used in this toast is very large, and the amount of materials used is also constantly adjusted during the production process to be finally established.Due to the extreme thickness of the cream used, the total amount of cream and egg juice has exceeded 70% of the amount of flour when calculated according to the ratio of flour and liquid.But the dough is extremely moisturizing and stretching.The finished toast is also very fragrant and soft enough to be rolled in circles.Because of the high fat content of cream, no more butter is added to it.



390 grams of baked bread flour
290 grams of whipped cream
50 grams of egg juice
45 grams of honeydew sugar
4 grams of yeast

How TO MADE Super soft soft cream toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials are ready.

2. Packed in barrels

3. Start the kneading process and knead the dough very softly.

4. You can hold this thin film with your hands.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Remove the dough, place it on the kneading pad, knead it a few times by hand, and then press out this thick rectangular slice.

6. Rolled into rolls

7. Given that the toast is baked in this shape, there's a noticeable curl on both sides, which doesn't look good, so I made it into a round ball.

8. Put it in the bread barrel, start the baking and baking function keys, and the rest of the baking and baking work is handed over to the baking machine.

Steps 9 to 12

9. It's time for the toast to come out.

10. Because it's a little tight, the surface is a little cracked.

11. Quickly remove the toast from the barrel and dry it on the dryer.

12. It looks good, but the cracks are negligible.

13. Super soft toast with jam on top to make it taste better

Handy cooking tips

  In fact, the toast is handed over to the baking machine to complete the whole process, the stirring rod does not need to be removed, nor does it need to be shaped by itself; but the obsessive-compulsive person has to pursue the smooth and successful effect of the epidermis, so artificial intervention was made; the procedure of different brands of baking machines is different, so it is not possible to give specifically how many kneading procedures to use, how long, the baking machine itself is based on experience, the second is the effect of kneading the dough, the thin film in the picture can be suitable, it is not necessary to remove the legendary rubber glove membrane.