Crowned bread

2023-10-29 19:21:44BREADS


  Birthday bread.I don't want to make cream cake.On a summer day like this, the cream melts very easily, making people busy and confused.Moreover, the cream cake is not as thick as the pound cake, after all, the fat content is still relatively high, so try not to eat as little as possible.And after making a cake, you have to think about where the leftover cream goes.This is the kind of thing that even the cream doesn't bother to prepare.But there's always something to say.Why is cream cake the star of the festival? What does this have to do with it?No matter what anyone else thinks, there's a birthday cake.It tastes like coconut.Adapted from Teacher Meng's Toshiba.If you want to use the same amount as Mr. Meng, change the shape, you can save the trouble of converting.It doesn't feel right.As planned, 8 inches round, make an imaginary crown bread.The dough is soft, and the twisting of an open flower is a bit clumsy.However, the result of fermentation and baking is often not what you think it will be.It doesn't look like much, but it's more like the yellow and white before the baking....



250 grams of starch
30 grams of fine sugar
3 grams of dry yeast
25 grams of milk powder
155 grams of water
20 grams of butter
40 grams of butter
2.5 teaspoons of milk powder
1/4 teaspoon of salt
20 grams of flour
20 grams of egg yolk
70 grams of coconut

How TO MADE Crowned bread

1. Dough

2. The dough, except for the butter, is poured into barrels.

3. 13 minutes of in-packing and face-to-face

4. Add butter and repeat the process for 20 minutes.

5. Pull out the film.

6. In a large bowl, 28-30 degrees, basic fermentation for 60 minutes

7. Cabbage filling

8. Pour the sugar powder and softened butter into the bowl and stir evenly.

9. Add the egg yolk

10. Stir evenly

11. Pour into coconut and milk powder

12. Mix and match.

13. The dough is fermented.

14. Cut into one-sixth, one large, one small, two doughs, roll them round and loosen for 10 minutes.

15. Grow the dough into an oval of about 35-40 cm.

16. Take 5/6 of the coconut flour and spread evenly on the surface.

17. Two sides folded in the middle, squeezing the interface

18. Turn over, cut from the middle, not cut at one end

19. Screwed into a flower

20. Ring around the wall in an 8-inch circle

21. Handle the remaining 1/6 of the coconut filling with the dough as usual.

22. In a circle with no empty center,

23. Place in a circular center, 30-35 degrees, ferment for 60 minutes

24. Growing up

25. Surface brushing of egg yolk

26. Put in the oven, lower middle layer, heat 180 degrees, lower 200 degrees, bake for about 30 minutes

27. Gold on the surface, furnace

28. Immediately remove the mold and dry.

Handy cooking tips

  The dough is soft, and care must be taken not to leak the coconut filling.The fermentation time needs to be adjusted according to the actual temperature.The cooking power and time should be adjusted according to the actual conditions of the oven.