French bread with apple black pepper shrimp

2023-10-29 19:23:48BREADS





A wrapped in a French cloth (or other white bread
French stick)
Fresh shrimp 8 to 10
Half a tomato
Half an apple.
One egg for B.
1/4 cup of milk
1/4 cup of cream
2 teaspoons of fine sugar
A little butter.
Salad (can be omitted)
A little bit of black pepper
1/4 teaspoon of white wine
A little salt.

How TO MADE French bread with apple black pepper shrimp

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, wrap the cloth in toast that is about 2 cm thick.

2. Fresh shrimp is washed to the mud line, the shell is removed all the way to the tail, leaving the shrimp tail untouched (more beautiful, fresh shrimp is frozen to hard and then the shell is better handled) then add white wine and salt to marinate it (ordinary side dishes can, if you do not have anything in the house like red wine, it will not make much difference)

3. Tomatoes and apples cut into slices after washing

4. Mix the materials in B and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the bread slices in the egg yolk and soak both sides thoroughly.

6. Put the right amount of butter in the pan, heat until melted, and then put the package in.

7. When fried to a golden yellow, both sides turn golden yellow.

8. I think it's better to fry the small tomatoes in half and then fry them later, because the tomatoes in the big tomatoes are easy to fall out, it's not easy to handle when fried, fried too long and too soft, it's not good to cut the grains, you can use the small tomatoes without cutting the grains, you can just fry them and put them on the bread.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Leave a little butter in the pan, and put the pickled shrimp on a small fire and fry slowly

10. Fry the shrimp to two golden-yellow flakes, sprinkle a little black pepper powder, turn off the heat and stir evenly.

11. Take a slice of bread and put tomatoes and apples on it (you can squeeze a little salad sauce on top, or skip it)

12. And then I put the shrimp on top of the seeds (I also sprinkled some parsley for beauty).