Toast with colored glasses

2023-10-29 19:23:50BREADS





High starch flour 300 grams
165 grams of milk
40 grams of whole eggs
40 grams of white sugar
30 grams of butter
3 grams of yeast
5 grams of salt
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 tablespoon of water

How TO MADE Toast with colored glasses

Steps 1 to 4

1. The post-oil method is rubbed to the full stage (large thin films can be pulled out, even if the edge of the hole is smooth when broken).

2. On average, it is divided into two parts, one of which is mixed with cocoa powder water.

3. The base is fermented to twice the size in two separate pots, and the finger glue is not shrunk back.

4. Roll the dough and knead for 15 minutes.

5. Shaped into a square face.

6. Fold well, the bottom slice is slightly larger than the top slice, roll from top to bottom and put into the mold for a second fermentation to cover 8/9ths

7. Cover the lid, 180 degrees, middle and bottom for 30 minutes.