Banana peel wrappers

2023-10-29 19:24:32BREADS


  Pineapple bag is a very common bread in Guangdong and Hong Kong, and it's also one of my breads from childhood to adulthood, the skin is crisp, the bread is soft and delicious.At the beginning of the baking, I made your teacher's pineapple bag.This is the second time I've made a pineapple bag, and I've tried to add a little bit of grass, it tastes different, the special taste of grass is to eat it hot.



300 grams of flour
1/4 teaspoon of salt
15 g of white sugar
180 grams of milk
Eggs 53 grams
4 grams of dry yeast
20 grams of butter
95 grams of butter
40 grams of flour
100 grams of low-fat flour
1 gram of chickpeas

How TO MADE Banana peel wrappers

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation: bread flour, milk, eggs, white sugar, etc.

2. Measuring bread flour and dry yeast.

3. Add 300 grams of baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon of white sugar, 15 grams of dry yeast, 4 grams of eggs, 53 grams of milk, 180 grams of milk.

4. After turning on the cook's machine, stir in groups of one, two, three, and stir for 10 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add finely chopped and softened pieces of butter and continue stirring for 2 to 3 times until the dough is smooth.

6. Take out the dough and put it on the board, and continue to knead it by hand.

7. Take a stainless steel plate, sprinkle it with dry flour, put the kneaded dough in it to press it flat, cover it with a wet cloth or a preservative film and put it in the oven to ferment.

8. Weighing small pieces of butter, adding 40 grams of sugar powder after complete softening.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Weigh low-fat flour, pour it into a sieve, and put a small plate underneath.

10. After the butter is softened, the head of the egg is stirred with a cooking stick.

11. Add one egg and continue to stir evenly with the chopsticks.

12. Add 1 g of grass to the batch and scrape evenly with a silicone scraper.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Sifted low-fat flour.

14. Use a silicone scraper to scrape evenly into clumps.

15. The dough is packed in a preservative bag, placed in a round biscuit mold, shaped, and refrigerated for about 2 hours.

16. The dough is fermented to twice its size, then the exhaust gas is removed in 12 portions, and the coating is loosened for a few minutes.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The broken dough is rubbed separately in a circle, and the mouth is placed down into the egg yolk mold, which is pressed flat.

18. Take out the frozen dough, cut it into 12 equal slices, and put it on the bread one by one.

19. Put in the oven for a second fermentation, about 30 minutes.

20. Take out the fermented bread embryos, preheat the oven, 180 degrees, up and down the fire.

21. After preheating, the bread embryos are placed in the oven, in the middle and lower layers, baked for 20-25 minutes, until colored.


Handy cooking tips

  1 egg with about 60 grams of shell and about 53 grams of egg yolk.2 The dough is not rubbed out of the membrane, rubbed onto a smooth surface, and the sides are cut delicately.A little more moisture in the body of the bread, and you can use a little dry flour to make hand powder to rub the dough.4 tablespoons of butter gently as small holes appear and softening is completed.Before stirring the egg head, use a silicone scraper to press it slightly, and then use the egg head to stir it.5 chopsticks cut as thinly as possible, the remaining chopsticks can be made into small pieces and eaten directly.If the color is uneven during baking, the pan can be adjusted inward and outward and baked for a while, paying attention to the color.The temperature is adjusted according to the individual oven.The main part of the bread can be made from high-quality flour or bread flour.