Cocoa and sesame bread

2023-10-29 19:25:40BREADS





High starch powder 260 grams
150 grams of milk
30 grams of eggs
20 grams of butter
Fava cocoa powder 12 grams
45 grams of fine sugar
2 grams of salt
3 grams of dry yeast
15 grams of sesame

How TO MADE Cocoa and sesame bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put all the ingredients except the sesame oil in the bread maker's barrel, start and knead.

2. After about 20 minutes, add softened butter and sesame seeds, continue to start and knead.

3. Remove the dough until the thin film is pulled out.

4. Until you poke a hole in the flour with your finger and it doesn't bounce back, you can get the exhaust.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Gently open the exhaust after rolling with a rolling stick

6. An average of four doughs

7. Take a dough and cut it into tongues.

8. Divided into three units

Steps 9 to 12

9. Woven into braids

10. Roll it up and put it in a gold plate, put it in the oven, and put it in a bowl of hot water to start the fermentation.

11. Fermented to twice the size, removed, transferred to the oven to 04 toast key upper tube 170 degrees, downper tube 154 degrees after preheating, put in the lower layer of baking for 30 minutes, on the way the surface of the bread can be covered with tin paper

12. Out of the oven.