Bread with meat

2023-10-29 19:28:26BREADS


  I've made a few changes, and it tastes good, and I recommend it to everyone.



Medium content: moderate
High starch flour 180 grams
110 grams of milk
2.5 grams of yeast
The filling: moderate
60 grams of meat
20 grams of lettuce
The main ingredient: moderation
40 grams of high-quality flour
45 grams of low-fat flour
25 grams of whole eggs
30 grams of water
15 grams of butter
3 grams of salt
30 grams of white sugar

How TO MADE Bread with meat

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix the ingredients in a cooking machine or a baking machine until the dough is smooth and untouched, cover with a preservative film, refrigerate overnight to three times the size, or ferment directly at room temperature to three times the size

2. Remove the fermented medium from the refrigerator and let it cool for about ten minutes while preparing the main dough.

3. The main dough is poured into a container with the exception of the butter, and after heating, the medium is torn into small pieces and thrown into the container, with the dough for 20 minutes, or you can put the cookware and the dough for 10 minutes, put the softened butter in and rub the dough for 5 minutes

4. 60 grams of meatloaf and 20 grams of salad dressing mixed into a filling

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is divided into eight equal parts and the coating is relaxed for 20 minutes.

6. Take a dough, grow it tongue-shaped, loosen the top, roll it up and down, and tighten the mouth.

7. A slightly rounded circle, completing all the facets in order.

8. Put it on a grill, cover it with a preservative film, put it in the oven for a second cooking, and put boiling water underneath to increase the humidity.

9. The oven doesn't have electricity, so it's better if the oven has a fermenter.

10. The second layer is placed in the middle of the oven for 170 degrees for 20 minutes, and the color is then covered with tin paper.

11. Salad on the face

12. Full of flesh.

13. Very good.

14. Internally