Dried bread

2023-10-29 19:28:28BREADS


  Due to travel, the late trial report has just been written, and I apologize for that! Overall, this COUSS cooking machine is still quite useful, but the stirring rod is slightly thinner, rotating a little further from the cooking pot, generally softer dough is not easy to clean, but it is still possible with hard dough.There is also the fact that the motor is prone to heat, I think it will fail after a long time, but it has not been experimented in depth, this trial is the longest I have used only 30 minutes, the reason I suggest this is insufficient, is based on the two cooking machines in the previous house are in use for about a year the phenomenon of burning the motor, the initial is also prone to heat for more than five minutes there is a burning phenomenon, and after a long time the motor burns.The other parts are more useful, especially the whole egg is stirred quickly and sent, it is a machine that is more useful for making cakes.Today's first paragraph starts with bread, which is made from raisin bread, as follows:



High starch flour 300 grams
5 grams of dry yeast
40 grams of flour
Fresh milk 140 ml
One egg.
25 grams of corn germ oil
5 grams of salt
60 grams of raisins
Orange wine in moderation

How TO MADE Dried bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Dried grapes are soaked in vinegar until soft.

2. The powder is mixed with sugar, flour, yeast and salt.

3. The mixed dry powder is sifted.

4. Fix the cooking pot under the machine, pour it into the oil and stir it with a stirring stick.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Then put it in an egg and stir it until it's granular.

6. In the cooking pot, pour fresh milk in stages to make the dough.

7. It takes about 20 minutes for the dough to form, and it takes about 20 minutes for the dough to form.

8. At this time, the dough is very strong.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After the dough is cooked, take it out of the cooking pot, cover it with a preservative film for basic fermentation.

10. The dough can be fermented to two and a half times its size.

11. Then extract the air from inside by flattening it on the board.

12. The dough is cleaned and aired for 15 minutes from the new round.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Then use a doughnut to open the dough from the center to the front and back at both ends and knead the dough to a thickness of 1 cm before kneading.

14. The wine-soaked grapes are spread evenly on top, and the grapes are pressed flat with the palm of the hand.

15. Roll from one end of the skin.

16. After rolling, place the interface down into the toaster mold.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The preservative film on the lid of the mold is placed in the oven at a constant temperature of 35 degrees for final fermentation.

18. When the bread is fermented, it expands to three times its size and is removed from the shell.

19. Egg juice applied to the epidermis.

20. The oven is preheated and adjusted to 170 degrees. The mold is placed back in the middle shelf of the oven, and the baking takes about 30 to 35 minutes.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Place the finished bread on a drying rack.

22. When it cools, it can be sliced, and then the operation is complete.


Handy cooking tips

  Use tools; COUSS cook machine 35L oven sticks plastic scraping panels eggs brush toast mold baking requirements; up and down 170 degrees, baking tray placed in the middle of the oven, baking 30-35 minutes The characteristics of the bread; rich in flavor, soft in fiber, slightly sweet in taste, slightly wine-flavored.Warm tip; when using the machine and the dough, it must be stirred until the dough is soft and strong enough, it takes about 20 to 30 minutes, the initial stage of the dough will be very sticky, it is necessary to use the dough shovel to scrape the dough twice, after the dough is not touched, it is both soft and good to use.2 ⁇ When soaking the raisins, if there is no cantaloupe, you can also use guacamole or rum, and if these wines are not soaked only with warm water, you can also use butter in the bread, otherwise the aroma is not enough, the taste will be greatly discounted.The egg yolk should not be applied too thickly, otherwise the morning color will make the outer skin of the bread toast, but the inside is still immature, solving this problem can be solved with a piece of tin foil paper or a small piece of baking cloth to cover the cover, or lower the heat, in short there are many ways.This spoonful of cooked grape bread made using the COUSS cooking machine and dough is ready, but it saves the effort and the dough wrestling process, the effect is very good, for the reference of friends!