Flowered pumpkin hot dog bread

2023-10-29 19:29:35BREADS


  Recently, the package store under the studio floor launched a pumpkin sausage package, with a deep yellow pumpkin flavor that is very satisfying when the winter is hot.However, sometimes the store has little pumpkin, sometimes the sausage is raw, the serious instability really bothered me, so I bought myself a big bag of spicy hot dogs, finished the sausage, made some decorations, made baked bread, and ate it cold.



425 grams of pumpkin
450 grams of flour
1 gram of salt
4.5 grams of yeast powder
12 hot dogs
Onions in moderation
Salad sauce in moderation

How TO MADE Flowered pumpkin hot dog bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. About 425 grams of pumpkin, cut into thin slices, cooked in a steam microwave for 4 minutes or in a pan in a microwave oven.

2. The excess water is poured out and the cooked pumpkin slices are crushed in a blender or pressed into clay with tools such as a mixing spoon.

3. The finished product weighs about 350 g of pumpkin paste, stirred to a non-hot temperature, poured into 4.5-5 g of yeast powder, stirred and dissolved.

4. The plate is first filled with 400 g of flour, 1 g of salt, and pumpkin paste, then the amount of flour is increased according to the situation, until the dough is untouched and the dough can be sealed into the first stage.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The hot dogs are clean, the water is dry, the hot dogs I bought weigh 35 grams each.

6. The dough is fermented twice as large, the fingers are poked down without bouncing back, the inner cube is cut as a standard, it takes 1 to 1.5 hours.

7. Dry the flour by hand, sprinkle a little dry flour on the table, transfer the dough on the table, rub the exhaust, add some dry flour if necessary.

8. The internal tissue is cut relatively tightly, there are no too large holes to divide, about 60-70 g each.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dough is divided, pressed flat as long as a hot dog, and the thickness is standardized to one-fifth of a rolled hot dog.

10. Open at the bottom and cut into six sections with a knife (only cut to the hot dog, not the bottom)

11. As shown in the picture, the dough and the ham are twisted in turns on either side, eventually forming a flower.

12. Parts other than the intestines are squeezed into the salad dressing (preferably with cocoa), the surface is sprinkled with onion flowers, sealed with second fermentation, about 40-60 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. About 1.5 times the size, oven 180 up and down fire preheated and baked for 15-18 minutes.

14. The color of the surface will be deeper, the surface will be dry, and the inside will be soft.

15. In the sunshine

Handy cooking tips

  The recipe is to make about 12 flowery breads, just the same operation as making steamed breads, baked directly into the oven, can be changed to hot water steam for 15 minutes, extinguished for 10 minutes.