Monkey bread

2023-10-29 19:29:37BREADS


  It is said that this kind of bread gets its name from the way it looks crammed into the grinder.The more irregular the size of the bread, the more fun it is to eat it.At the same time, the number of grams and the number of divided portions are relatively small, the amount of dip in the dough is limited, and the taste of natural bread is not strong enough.



220 grams of wheat flour
3 grams of high-sugar dry yeast
42 grams of butter
3.5 grams of salt
135 grams of water
17 g of white sugar
20 grams of dried cranberries
30 grams of raisins
20 ml of rum
60 grams of butter
30 grams of red sugar
15 grams of syrup

How TO MADE Monkey bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Fillings: dried cranberries 20 g raisins 30 g, rum 20 ml dried cranberries, raisins soaked in water washed off the surface residual oil, tar dried water, put in a jar soaked in rum for 2 hours backup

2. Start and knead the process until the dough is smooth.

3. Add softened butter to room temperature and check the dough condition to achieve full expansion

4. Remove the dough and roll it around for basic fermentation.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Fermentation to 2 to 2.5 times, finger dipping dry powder check: poke a small hole, the hole does not shrink back, the dough does not collapse, the degree of fermentation is correct

6. Remove the dough, divide it into smaller doughs of different sizes, roll it, cover it with a loose preservative film for 15 minutes.

7. I started talking about making a big one and a small one, and then I found out that it's more fun to eat bread that's not the same size.

8. Dip: 60 grams of butter, 30 grams of red sugar, 15 grams of maple syrup, melted by heating with red sugar and mixed with maple syrup

Steps 9 to 12

9. In the mold, apply a layer of melted butter around the baking paper, roll the loose dough again, dip it in maple juice, put it in the mold, pour a layer of wine, soak the cranberry raisins, put another layer of dough, cover the preservative film, second fermentation

10. The dough is irregular.

11. Up to 180 degrees, down to 190 degrees, 37 minutes, up to 25 minutes.

12. As soon as the surface is golden yellow, it is removed from the mold immediately after firing.

13. Tear it up.

14. Keep going.

Handy cooking tips

  Note 1: Regarding the shape of the bread, this small dough, like a little monkey upside down, is very cute; it is also very pleasant to eat.2. Regarding the mould, it is preferable to use a solid base mould to prevent the syrup juice from flowing out; if you do not use a hollow mould, reduce the temperature appropriately to extend the baking time.