Jacob grape rolls

2023-10-29 19:29:58BREADS


  This bread recipe comes from Taiwanese bread master Wang Zhenren, and the recipe varies according to your taste.The first thing I knew was that Jacob was the one who advertised the cake, but to be honest, it wasn't very tasty.It was only later that I learned that Yak is the spelling of the English word YOLK, which means egg yolk.So the biggest feature of this bread is that it's got a lot of egg yolk in it.



250 grams of starch
50 grams of milk
6 grams of milk powder
50 grams of egg yolk
70 grams of water
50 grams of raisins
4 grams of instant yeast
28 grams of sesame oil
3 grams of salt
40 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Jacob grape rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put all the materials except the raisins in the barrel.

2. Remember to dig a small hole in the flour to avoid contact with sugar and salt in advance.

3. After that, the process starts and the face begins to rub.

4. It's the kind of rubber that's smooth on the edge of the hole.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It is then poured into pre-boiled raisins that have been dried with water and continued to be kneaded until the raisins are completely absorbed by the dough.

6. The dough is then left in the barrel for basic fermentation.

7. I put a bowl of hot water in the oven.

8. It can be sent to twice the original size.

9. The dough is removed and pressurized for ten minutes.

10. Then the average is divided into three doughs.

11. Take a dough and knead it into a shape similar to a large rectangular face, with the bottom as thin as possible.

12. And then with that sharp, beautifully crafted knife, you draw a few holes, and you cut it.

13. It is rolled from top to bottom, as shown in the figure.

14. The other two doughs are processed in the same way, and then placed on a paper towel or a high-temperature silicone mat.

15. The bread is then placed in a warm, moist place for a second fermentation, which takes about 40 minutes.

16. I put a bowl of boiling water on the oven door.

17. Apply a layer of whole egg juice to the surface of the dough.

18. After that, the oven is preheated to 175 degrees, and the middle layer is placed on the fire and baked for about 18 minutes.

19. If the surface is colored, it can be covered with a layer of tin foil insulation to prevent a deeper color.

20. When the bread comes out of the oven, remember not to eat it when it comes out of the oven, wait for the internal fermentation gas to evaporate fully and then taste it, otherwise it will irritate the stomach.

21. Open it and see, it's full of fruit.