Cranberry yogurt and whole wheat bread

2023-10-29 19:31:07BREADS


  I don't know if it's really that effective, but I've never tried it, but I make bread with yogurt and whole wheat flour, I do it often, of course not to lose weight, but I like yogurt, I often make yogurt at home, sometimes I can't finish it, I use it to make bread or cake, and the yogurt bread is softer and softer.



150 grams of bread flour
100 grams of whole wheat flour
100 grams of homemade yogurt
55 grams of milk
25 grams of whole eggs
35 grams of fine sugar
3 grams of salt
3 grams of yeast powder
25 grams of butter
Dried cranberries 60 grams

How TO MADE Cranberry yogurt and whole wheat bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Have all the materials ready;

2. The cranberries are boiled in water for about 30 minutes, dried, and then chopped.

3. All dough materials except butter and cranberries are placed in order in the mixing bucket of the packing machine (first into the liquid, then into the salt and sugar, then the flour, the yeast is placed on top of the flour);

4. Stir a few times with a scraper to avoid spraying the powder when the machine is stirring;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Press the dough button, knead until the dough pulls out a thicker film, then add the butter;

6. Grinding to the expansion stage, i.e. pulling out a large semi-transparent film that is not easy to break;

7. Add the dried cranberries, roll them in a bowl, cover them with a preservative film, and put them in a warm place for basic fermentation.

8. Ferment the dough to twice its size, dip the flour into the dough with your finger, and withdraw the dough after the hole does not bounce back or bounces back slowly, i.e. the basic fermentation is complete (if the hole bounces back quickly, it is insufficient fermentation, if the dough collapses, it indicates over-fermentation);

Steps 9 to 12

9. Lightly pressurize the fermented dough and divide it into 12 equal parts;

10. Roll it up and put it in the oven.

11. Put the dough in a warm, moist place for final fermentation (I put it in the oven, then put it in a glass of hot water that hasn't been fully boiled, about 90 degrees, close the oven door to generate heat and humidity, winter weather is cooler, the water is cold in the middle to change the hot water again);

12. Finally, after fermentation, rub the egg yolk on the surface of the dough, (I use two ovens, one for fermentation and one for baking, if there is only one oven, the dough is fermented to be removed in advance, otherwise the final fermentation is finished, then wait for the oven to preheat for ten minutes, the dough may be overheated, especially in summer, this time should be taken care of);

Steps 13 to 16

13. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, raise the fire, put the dough in the middle layer and bake for 20 minutes.

14. After cooking, the mold should be removed immediately, transferred to the baking net to cool, and then sealed for preservation.


Handy cooking tips

  Different brands of flour have different water absorption, winter and summer flour water absorption is also different, hand rubbing and machine rubbing water absorption is also different, so the addition of moisture should be adjusted according to the soft hardness of the dough.Each oven has a different temperament, so adjust the time and temperature according to the conditions of your own oven.