French bread

2023-10-29 19:32:20BREADS


  It shouldn't be authentic French bread, it's similar to a certain brand of French soft bread sold in supermarkets, the impression of French bread, it should be stick-shaped, long or short, but this kind of bread is called golden burger French soft bread, one that you can't get enough of, eat it directly, eat it with milk, eat it with jam.Eat whatever you want.Thanks to my perfect eating skills, I was able to successfully replicate French soft bread.



Flour (soup) 20 grams
Water (soup) 100 grams
260 grams of high-quality flour
65 grams of milk
One egg.
40 grams of white sugar
2 grams of salt
3 grams of yeast
20 grams of butter

How TO MADE French bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the soup, 20 grams of flour, add 100 grams of cold water.

2. The flour itself needs to be kneaded, so this soup can be made from plain flour or high-quality flour.

3. It is heated in an electromagnetic furnace at the smallest heat and stirred until the flour is kneaded into a smooth dough.

4. The soup is fine.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Preparation of main ingredients, high-quality flour, milk, eggs and cooled soups.

6. Pour 65 grams of milk into the bowl, then add the eggs to the milk and spread them.

7. Add flour, 40 grams of sugar, salt, and yeast.

8. Put it back in the cold soup.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Start the bread maker and the 20-minute program.

10. After 20 minutes of kneading, check the appearance of the dough.

11. If it doesn't come out, rub it a little bit more or wrestle it with your hands a little bit more, and I'll come out and go to the next step.

12. Add 20 grams of butter to the dough.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Continue to open the bread machine.

14. My bread maker's dough process is mixed with the dough, so the butter can be automatically mixed into the dough.

15. It's about 58 minutes.

16. After stopping the kneading process, it is necessary to settle for almost half an hour, and the dough is seen to be 2 to 2.5 times larger.

Steps 17 to 20

17. When it's obvious that there's a hive inside, it's nice to see it.

18. Divide the dough into two parts, each into three small parts, and begin the operation before twisting the flour, unrolling one dough into a growing square, rolling it from top to bottom.

19. Rolled into a small circle.

20. Roll the three circles together, start the row together, squeeze the two ends tightly, and twist the three strands of velvet.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Isn't it beautiful when the cannabis flowers are twisted?

22. Move a cannabis flower into a long toast shape.

23. The other half of the dough, I added two slices of raisins, and one slice of soy sauce, so it's soy sauce bread.

24. It's sprinkling raisins on long slices and then rolling them up.

25. It's the end of the world.

26. Put another toast in the mold.

27. What it looks like after the two are all set up.

28. Fat, fat marijuana, that is cute.

29. Put the bread on top of the oven, and put a plate of hot water on the bottom of the oven.

30. Perform secondary fermentation.

31. It took about fifty minutes, this time without opening the oven temperature, because before someone always asked their oven to be at least 100 degrees, it was not possible to do a second fermentation.

32. So it's perfectly fine to do a second fermentation with this method.

33. Fermented bread, this one doesn't have scrambled eggs, because you buy it without scrambled eggs.

34. Put it in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 25 minutes, or the color will be cooked.

35. So it's set to 170 degrees.

36. The temperature varies depending on the oven, but it's usually around 180 degrees.

37. Roasted bread, with a thin layer of butter on the surface.

38. It looks a little greener.

39. You can't brush it, you can't brush it, you can't brush it, you can't brush it, you can't brush it.

40. It was taken under natural indoor lighting.

41. The sides are perfect, and the braids are evenly spaced.

42. The sun shining on the balcony.

43. Bread filled with sunshine.

44. Eat your food.


Handy cooking tips

  This bread is super soft, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good.If you like something sweeter, it's okay to add 10 grams more sugar, the flour's water absorption is slightly different, you can add 10 grams of milk from the remaining ingredients, and finally adjust the temperature of the dough.In fact, this bread is very simple, and if you take care of it, it will work.