Ripped by hand

2023-10-29 19:32:45BREADS


  Don't think about it, you have to tear the bread by hand to eat it.



220 grams of high-quality flour
30 grams of low-fat flour
80 grams of water
50 grams of milk
25 ml of egg juice
30 grams of white sugar
3 grams of salt
3 grams of yeast
25 grams of butter
15 grams of milk powder
25 grams of butter
White sugar 25 grams
40 grams of whole eggs
50 grams of coconut

How TO MADE Ripped by hand

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients except the butter are kneaded into the dough, and after about 20 minutes the butter is added and continued to be kneaded until the dough is fully cooked in a pan covered with a preservative film and fermented at room temperature.

2. Wait for the fermentation process to make the coconut filling, soften the butter and add the white sugar to stir evenly, then add the eggs to stir evenly, and finally add the coconut to stir evenly.

3. The dough is fermented to twice its size, and the dough is pressurized to form a crust.

4. The dough is evenly coated with coconut flour.

Steps 5 to 8

5. A square that grows like a sheet.

6. Cut the dough from the previous step into slices, cut as many as you want, twist each dough like a twisted flower, twist it well and then place it evenly in the mold

7. Cover the preservative film and continue to ferment, after fermenting to twice the size, rub a layer of honey water on the surface of the dough, sprinkle some almond slices at will, put in a preheated oven at 170 degrees, bake for 20 minutes.

8. In the middle of the journey, remember to observe the color of the bread, and after coloring, cover it with tin paper to prevent roasting.

9. When it's cooked, open it full of coconut.