Ham wrapped in double guacamole

2023-10-29 19:32:49BREADS





150 grams of flour
25 grams of butter
3 slices of ham
90 grams of water
White sugar 15 grams
1 gram of salt
2 grams of yeast
1 small cucumber
250 grams of pumpkin

How TO MADE Ham wrapped in double guacamole

Steps 1 to 4

1. Water and baking soda are placed in the wrapping machine, then the high-powder yeast is added, the IMIX process is started 15, and the dough is 20 minutes.

2. After 20 minutes, add the softened butter, then start the iMix process for 20 minutes, take out the dough and stretch it out, it has reached the expansion stage

3. Round the dough, put it in a bowl, cover it with a preservative, and refrigerate it overnight.

4. The next day, the dough is heated an hour in advance, the dough is sprinkled with high flour, and the dough is exhausted.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Then squared, put on a slice of ham, crushed pineapple leaves, crushed cheese, rolled from top to bottom, and squeezed tightly.

6. Then cut it vertically in half, without cutting the tail, and squeeze the tail tightly like a towel.

7. Cut into two pieces, take one of them upright, cut it upwards, press the dough downwards, the top naturally spreads, do the same with the other piece, put it on a pan with oil paper and ferment for 30 minutes.

8. When fermenting, prepare a pumpkin salad, pumpkin sliced, mixed with olive oil, put on a pan covered with oil paper, 180 degrees 10 minutes

Steps 9 to 12

9. Dry in the oven, cut the pumpkin into thin slices, mix with a little salt, soften it, roll it in a circle, put it upright, put it in the pumpkin surface and squeeze the salad dressing

10. After fermentation, the eggs are brushed on the surface, preheated in a 170-degree oven for 15 minutes, and sprinkled with Shanghai Moss powder after cooking.