Purple fries

2023-10-29 19:33:36BREADS


  Recently, the market owner sold purple potatoes, so it's very convenient to make some purple potato noodles.Seeing that free purple fries feel beautiful, then try to make them, after baking them in the morning, they still feel good, the taste is also good, haha it's a change of shape again.The first time I made these purple fries, it was a bit of a hassle to operate them, so I had to wait for several hours to make them as good as they could be.



High starch powder 160 grams
Low flour 40 grams
100 grams of purple potatoes
2.5 grams of yeast
32 grams of fine sugar
2.5 grams of salt
20 grams of egg
108 grams of milk
20 grams of butter
30 g of white sugar
20 grams of butter

How TO MADE Purple fries

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients except butter are mixed together until the dough expands and the surface is smooth, adding butter and mixing until the expansion stage, for basic fermentation.

2. The fermented dough is two to three times larger than the original, and the dough does not bounce back or shrink.

3. Roll the fermented dough for 15 minutes after evaporation.

4. The rectangle of the growth point

Steps 5 to 8

5. After flipping, apply the purple mashed potatoes to one-half of the dough

6. Folded tightly

7. Cut into six long lines

8. Each long piece is twisted into a flower and then baked in a pan for a second fermentation.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Scrub the surface of the egg after fermentation

10. Squeezed with cassava cream

11. Spread the pepper seeds

12. Production of purple potato filling: purple potato cooked in a high-pressure pot to peel

Steps 13 to 16

13. Pressed into clay with a spoon

14. Add sugar and butter while it's hot

15. Stir evenly

Handy cooking tips

  1, the filling can be replaced with red bean filling or coconut filling 2, the shape can be twisted at will