Tuna cheese bread

2023-10-29 19:34:43BREADS


  These days are sunny and hot, so it's a good time to make bread, and I haven't made bread in a while, so I made a salty tuna cheese bread.Making bread in the summer can shorten the fermentation time and take advantage of indoor temperature for fermentation.The whole process saves more time than making bread in the winter.The materials used to make the bread in the summer, which I am sure you are well aware of, are recommended to be made with cold water, cold eggs or cold milk to avoid the bread getting hot during the stirring process.On the contrary, in winter it is recommended to use warm water, usually warm eggs or warm milk to make the dough, which helps the dough to ferment easily.As for the filling of the bread, you can change the other flavors yourself, adding onion pudding can add the freshness of tuna; those who like to eat spicy can choose to make spicy tuna.



230 grams of starch
30 grams of low-fat flour
3 grams of yeast
30 grams of fine sugar
15 grams of cornflakes
20 grams of pumpkin seed oil
100 grams of milk
One egg.
2 grams of salt
One can of tuna
A little bit of seaweed
1 tablespoon of salt
4 yellow onions
A little black pepper powder
A handful of cheese.

How TO MADE Tuna cheese bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The ingredients are milk, eggs, pumpkin seed oil, ready-to-eat wheat flour, high-fiber flour, low-fiber flour, fine sugar, salt, yeast, and then put in the bread barrel and put in the baking machine, start and dough mode for 15 minutes; after the first and dough end, do the second and dough mode again for 20 minutes, and after the second and dough end, start fermenting, fermenting the dough to 2.5 times the size.

2. Remove the fermented dough from the exhaust and set it in a circle for 15 minutes, remembering to cover it with a preservative film.

3. After 15 minutes, the dough is divided into 6 small doughs, kneaded until the surface is smooth, then covered with a preservative film and set for 10 minutes.

4. Chopped yellow onions, put in a cold pan with a little pumpkin seed oil, then pour into the onion pudding and black pepper powder, stir for 1-2 minutes and remove.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The olive oil in the tuna can is dried, added to the salad sauce, and stirred with the onions.

6. After mixing evenly, add the masurilla cheese.

7. Stir evenly and set aside as a spare.

8. After 10 minutes, knead a dough to a thickness of 1 cm.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put a moderate amount of tuna filling in the middle of the dough, if the water or olive oil in the tuna does not dry out when harvested, it is not good to squeeze, so try to dry out the excess olive oil.

10. After picking up the skin, squeeze the mouth down.

11. Do it all right.

12. The second fermentation is carried out in the oven, and due to the high room temperature, the fermentation time is about 35-40 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The fermented bread is removed from the oven and the oven is preheated to 180 degrees.

14. Use scissors to cut a cross on the surface of the bread, and if you want to look good, cut the skin of the surface so that you can see the tuna filling.

15. A thin layer of pumpkin seed oil is sprayed on the surface of the bread.

16. Finally, sprinkle a little seaweed powder, put it in a preheated oven, bake it at 180 degrees for 20 minutes; after baking, put it out of the oven and let it cool on the grill.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Finished product.

18. Finished product.

19. Finished product.

20. Finished product.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Finished product.

22. Finished product.

23. Finished product.

24. Finished product.

Steps 25 to 28

25. Finished product.


Handy cooking tips

  - The oven temperature needs to be adjusted according to the individual ovens.- Pumpkin seed oil can be used instead of corn oil, olive oil, etc.- Due to the hot weather, if you can't finish eating that day, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate it.