Red sugar whole wheat breakfast bread

2023-10-29 19:37:55BREADS


  Make my family's favorite love breakfast bread, delicious and nutritious, small, easy to eat, easy to eat.



Two cups of high-quality flour
160 ml of milk
One egg.
50 grams of red sugar
One cup of cornmeal
1 small bag of Angie yeast powder (smallest package)
A spoonful of oil
A little salt.

How TO MADE Red sugar whole wheat breakfast bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. I use a bread maker and dough -- in the bread barrel, I add eggs, milk, brown sugar, flour, wheat flour, and yeast flour, and it opens and the dough works, and after about five minutes, I add cooking oil and salt -- and when the dough is done, I get a dough.

2. My oven has a low-temperature fermentation function, so I use the oven to ferment the dough, and the dough is about twice the size of the original dough.

3. Take out the dough and let the gas out.

4. Divide the exhausted dough into 12 parts, knead the small dough into a dough shape by kneading the head, put it in the oven for a second fermentation, cover the fermentation with a plastic bag to maintain moisture.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Small bread after second fermentation, about 1.5 to 2 times the size of the original

6. Preheat the oven, put it in the oven, bake at 135°C for 25 minutes. It's done. It's very fragrant and delicious.

Handy cooking tips

  Don't have a lump of red sugar. If you have a lump, crush it.