Cooked coconut food bags

2023-10-29 19:39:10BREADS


  This is your square, with a lot of sugar.When roasted, add coconut milk to the roast D, the taste is very good, the sponge is fragrant, it's good!



High starch flour 300 grams
One egg.
100 grams of coconut oil
10 g of honey
30 g of white sugar
3 grams of yeast
30 grams of butter
3 grams of salt
20 grams of coconut or coconut silk
40 grams of coconut milk

How TO MADE Cooked coconut food bags

Steps 1 to 4

1. All A materials except butter are packaged in packaging machines.

2. After spreading, add 30 g of butter, add coconut oil or coconut silk.

3. The first 28-degree fermentation!

4. After an hour, a small hole is inserted by hand to prove that the fermentation is good!

Steps 5 to 8

5. After exhausting, it is divided into 12 small circles.

6. It's been 15 minutes.

7. Orthography

8. Put the pan in hot water.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The second fermentation takes place at 38 degrees Celsius.

10. It took about 40 minutes!

11. The hair is doubled in size, the surface is brushed with coconut milk, and 40 grams of coconut milk is poured into the mold.

12. It can be baked for 23 to 28 minutes in a 180-degree preheated oven.

13. Get out of the oven immediately.

14. I cooked it for 25 minutes, and then I cooked it for 22 minutes, and then I cooked it for 22 minutes.

15. The opposite of de-moulding.

16. It's still soft on the inside.

17. Let's have some coconut!