Blueberry whipped cream

2023-10-29 19:39:35BREADS


  And I'm going to make everything simple, so I'm going to basically simplify the recipe so that it's easy to make and suitable for beginners.



High strength 210 grams
One egg.
85 grams of water
4 grams of yeast
20 grams of butter
35 grams of fine sugar
A little salt.
Blueberry sauce in moderation
A little peanut or almond.
A moderate amount of cream

How TO MADE Blueberry whipped cream

Steps 1 to 4

1. The flour, sugar, salt, and eggs are placed in a bowl, the yeast is dissolved in warm water, slowly poured into the dough, and after forming a smooth dough, the dough is mixed with butter in an electric mixer to form a dough that does not get dirty, which can be stretched into a thin film (because there is no third hand, so the process does not work)

2. The dough is divided into seven parts, rounded and then flattened, rolled from top to bottom into an olive shape, then rubbed into a 15 cm long, grilled oil, put on the grill, about 1.5 cm apart.

3. Fermented to twice the size

4. Add the egg yolk, squeeze the blueberry sauce on both sides, squeeze the cream sauce as you like (it's a little better to eat), and spread the peanut butter evenly.

5. It can be baked at 180 degrees for 14 minutes (the finished square has already eaten half of the o( ⁇ □ ⁇ )o)