Low-fat red bean bread

2023-10-29 19:41:07BREADS


  For girls who love bread and snacks, but are worried that the sugar and butter in them is too high in calories, Xiaomi recommends this low-fat red bean bread, homemade red bean filling with soft bread.



140 grams of high-quality flour
10 grams of milk powder
About 60 grams of homemade red bean filling
75 grams of water
20 grams of fine sugar
15 grams of whole eggs
12 grams of butter
5 ml of dry yeast
2 ml of salt

How TO MADE Low-fat red bean bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix the dry yeast in half the water in the ingredients, then mix the dry powdered material and the yeast water, the other half the water, and the scattered eggs until a dough is formed.

2. Stir until the dough is smooth and elastic, add softened butter and stir slowly.

3. Carefully open the dough to form a thin film.

4. Place the finished dough in a bowl, cover the surface with a preservative film or wet cloth, and place it at room temperature for the first fermentation.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It is usually fermented for one hour at room temperature of about 28°C.

6. The dough is fermented to twice its original size, and the dough is dipped in flour by hand, and a hole is made in the dough to prevent it from collapsing and shrinking!

7. The fermented dough is squeezed out of the air, divided into six small pieces, formed into a circle, and left to ferment at room temperature for about 15 minutes.

8. Take a well-fermented dough and wrap it in red bean filling.

9. The wrapped dough is placed downward in the baking tray for fermentation.

10. (Put in the oven, do not open the fire, pour some hot water on the base, close the oven door for fermentation)

11. When the dough is doubled in size, apply the remaining egg juice to the surface of the dough with a hairbrush.

12. Place the pan in the middle layer of a preheated 185°C oven and bake for about 15 minutes until the surface is golden yellow.

13. After baking, take it out with insulating gloves, put it on a cooling rack, and eat it while it's hot.


Handy cooking tips

  Making soft bread requires repeated patience and fermentation, don't be in a hurry, see the results and feel worth it!