Ayyub bread

2023-10-29 19:43:29BREADS





High starch flour 600 grams
60 grams of butter
7 grams of yeast
5 grams of salt
Two eggs.
70 grams of white sugar
120 grams of milk and water
240 grams of soup

How TO MADE Ayyub bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Make the soup first.

2. 200 grams of pure water plus 40 grams of high-strength flour is put into a milk pan, the small fire is constantly stirred to about 65 degrees, feel the hot pot can turn off the fire, pour in the bowl to cool down.

3. It's a leaf juice.

4. The leaves are cooked in water, you can add a few drops of olive oil and vinegar or lemon to the water to make the leaves brighter, adding a little vinegar or lemon to the dish to retain more vitamins.

5. I put it in a blender, added 70 grams of milk, and mixed it into a sauce.

6. (You can do a little more as a backup.)

7. If you can't make the soup above, you can also make 330 grams of bay leaf juice.)

8. All ingredients except butter are added to the mixer and stirred for 10 minutes.

9. Add butter and continue stirring for 40 minutes until the first fermentation is over.

10. Orthography

11. The dough is divided into three equal pieces, the exhaust is rolled loose for 30 minutes, and the top is covered with a preservative film.

12. Exhalation, relaxed for 10 minutes.

13. Open the roll again and put it in the toast box for a second fermentation until it is 8 minutes full.

14. Preheat the oven at 220 degrees and add 40 minutes.

15. Don't add 170 degrees, about 35 minutes, everyone's oven is different, you have to figure it out yourself, don't add tin paper in the middle, otherwise it will burn.


Handy cooking tips

  The recipe is two loaves of bread.Other vegetables such as spinach can also be used to make bread.