Heart-shaped bread

2023-10-29 19:46:15BREADS


  If you want to make it yourself in the morning or give it to TA for afternoon tea, this lovely little bread will definitely express your heart - it's really appreciated... bread is better for the taste, I use the Chinese way of making it



150 grams of high-quality flour
60 grams of low-fat flour
140 grams of milk
10 grams of milk powder
One egg yolk
40 grams of white sugar
3 grams of yeast
30 grams of butter
5 grams of cocoa powder

How TO MADE Heart-shaped bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pour 150 g of high-fiber flour + 60 g of low-fiber flour + 140 g of milk + 40 g of sugar + 3 g of yeast into the cook's bucket (I use the cook's machine is Yuyang XH867, if there is no cook's machine you can mix the dough by hand)

2. Start the cook machine at medium speed to stir the dough so that it has a smooth surface, put the dough in a preservative bag, put it in the refrigerator, refrigerate and ferment for about 17 hours

3. The ingredients of the main dough are also in the order of liquid and powder, all the ingredients except butter and cocoa powder are poured into the cook's bucket, and then the refrigerated middle dough is torn into small pieces and added.

4. Start the cooker, stir at medium speed until the dough is completely mixed, then add the butter

Steps 5 to 8

5. Rub until the film is fully expanded.

6. Take it out and put it in a bowl and wrap it in a film.

7. Put it in the oven, put a glass of water in it, select the fermentation function, set the time for about 30 minutes, ferment until it is twice as big and then remove it.

8. Remove the preservative film, spread it by hand, and squeeze the gas out of the dough with your palms

Steps 9 to 12

9. 5 g of cocoa powder with an appropriate amount of clear water, stir evenly to a viscous consistency

10. Add three-tenths of the dough and stir until completely mixed with a scraper

11. Rub the circle

12. Both doughs are divided into 12 equal parts (I haven't finished here yet).

Steps 13 to 16

13. Take a white dough, press it flat, put it in the cocoa dough, tighten it, rub it round.

14. The dough is kneaded into an oval cake.

15. Folding along the length of the cake

16. Re-pairing

Steps 17 to 20

17. Cut a knife in the middle, don't cut, open the cut on both sides, form a heart shape

18. When it's all done, put it in the oven and ferment it twice.

19. Remove, preheat the oven, 160 degrees, bake up and down

20. Spread the egg yolk and brush it over.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Brush it and put it in the oven, heat it up to 160 degrees, lower it to 150 and bake it for about 15 minutes.

22. The surface is baked to a golden yellow (I made it a little ugly, next time I try)

Handy cooking tips

  If you don't pursue the taste, you can do it without using the medium-sized method, directly pour the medium-sized dough and the ingredients in the main dough, except for the butter, and rub out the thin film so that the smaller the 2 dough, the better the shape will be, and it will also look relatively good, I do something big, not good operation