Corn and beans salad pack

2023-10-29 19:46:18BREADS


  Spring is coming, all the colors are bright, let's make our tables springy too.This simple pizza bag is rich in ingredients and tastes great! Oh! The kids' favorite!



High flour 130 grams
80 grams of warm water
20 grams of butter
A quarter of a teaspoon of salt
One egg.
20 g of white sugar
A spoonful of milk powder
3 grams of yeast
Salad sauce in moderation
Tomato sauce in moderation
A ham.
Half of the corn.
Green beans in moderation

How TO MADE Corn and beans salad pack

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, pour the liquid ingredients into the baking machine (the eggs are poured into 20 grams, the rest is used to brush the surface) into the high flour, put the salt and sugar separately at opposite angles, do not touch, dig a drop in the middle of the flour, put the yeast in.

2. After two kneading procedures (one kneading procedure in my bread maker is 10 minutes), pour in the melted butter, and after two kneading procedures, even after one procedure, the dough will appear a beautiful glove film.

3. After an hour and a half, the dough is automatically fermented.

4. The fermented dough is exhausted and divided into four equally sized embryos.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Press with the palm of your hand.

6. Gently flatten it with a stick.

7. Brush a layer of egg yolk on the surface of the cake

8. Add a layer of salad dressing.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The chopped ham is lightly sprinkled with beans and corn.

10. Put the salad sauce on top.

11. Put it in the oven, put a cup of boiling water on the grill, close the oven door, and do the second cooking.

12. A good cake embryo

13. After about 40 minutes, the bread is baked successfully, the oven is preheated to 180 degrees, the bread embryos are placed in the lower layer of the oven and baked for 12 minutes.

14. Cooked, cooled and packed in fresh bags

Handy cooking tips

  The salad sauce can be squeezed into larger pieces, and the baking will be noticeable.I didn't lose it after I cooked it, the result map was added later.All the ingredients taste better when they're chopped.If there is pizza sauce, it tastes better with pizza sauce instead of tomato sauce.