Orange bread rolls

2023-10-29 19:46:21BREADS


  The square is from Teacher Yang Meng's 100 Pieces of Bread, slightly altered.This can be used to make six 10 cm diameter round paper loaves of bread.



250 grams of high-quality flour
40 g of white sugar
4 grams of high-sugar yeast
55 grams of whole eggs
Fresh orange juice 1005 grams
1 gram of salt
15 grams of unsalted butter
1 teaspoon (5 ml) of orange peel
100 grams of sugared oranges
Almonds in moderation

How TO MADE Orange bread rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. After the main material is placed in the packaging machine, the process is started, and after the process is finished, the butter and orange peel are placed in the softened butter and orange peel, and the process is started again.

2. At the end of the second kneading and kneading process, take a small piece of dough and slowly peel it off with your hands, at which point you can pull out the transparent film.

3. This small piece of dough is re-mixed into the larger dough, and the dough is rounded and put back in the bread bowl.

4. Cover the bread with a piece of baking paper and sprinkle some mercury on the paper.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Cover it with a wet towel, cover it with a wrapper, cover the fermentation.

6. Ferment until the dough is twice as big, use your fingers to dry the flour, poke the dough, pull out your fingers, poke a small hole around it, no change, it's fine.

7. Remove the exhaust valve, cover the fresh film and relax for 15 minutes.

8. It grows to about 30 cm and is about 18 cm wide.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After flipping, spread the sugared orange pudding evenly and gently press it with your hands.

10. Roll from top to bottom, cut into eight equal parts, cut upwards into the paper mold, cover with a preservative film for second fermentation

11. It is fermented again until it is twice as big, and it is gently poked with the finger, and the crater that is pressed down (see the small crater below the dough in the picture) does not bounce back completely, so it is fermented.

12. Brush the surface evenly with a layer of whole egg juice, sprinkle a moderate amount of almond seeds, place in a preheated oven, bake on 180 degrees, set at 190 degrees for about 18 minutes, remove from the oven and dry on the grill

Handy cooking tips

  1. The first fermentation is usually long, in order to keep warm and ventilate, I cover the bread with a piece of baking paper, blow some mercury on it with my fingers, and cover it with a wet towel.2. Orange peel is the yellow outer skin of a peeled orange. When peeling, be careful not to peel off the white part of the orange peel, which will be bitter.Orange juice is made by cutting an orange in half and squeezing out the juice inside.3. When rolling the last one, try to roll it as tightly as possible so that it does not loosen when cutting.4. Do not over-ferment to avoid acidification.Once you know if it's good, you can use your fingers to poke the dry flour into the dough, and the small hole that is poked does not bounce back or collapse, indicating that the fermentation is good.It is best to poke the dough with your finger (preferably in an inconspicuous place) to determine whether the dough is good or not, and the surface will not bounce back completely.