Red date sour milk bread

2023-10-29 19:46:36BREADS


  Yesterday it rained at home, it was very boring, just in the afternoon the high-quality flour bought online was finally delivered, so I played with the baking machine again, this time it was red date yogurt bread, I have always preferred to put yogurt in bread or cake, add flavor, the bread will also be softer because of yogurt, this time I added chopped red date, the smell is stronger.250 grams of flour is much higher than the ordinary flour I used before, and it looks like I'm going to have to buy it online and send it to my grandmother.Using the bread machine: the Toshiba Magic Cloud smart bread machine



250 grams of fresh bread flour
158 grams of red date milk
32 g of white sugar
13 grams of milk powder
52 grams of egg juice
4 grams of high-sugar yeast
1 gram of salt
27 grams of butter
4 large dates

How TO MADE Red date sour milk bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put the raw dates, yogurt, and eggs in the bread bowl.

2. Then add white sugar and salt, then high-fiber flour and milk powder, add yeast in the middle of the flour, and then bury;

3. I'm going to use this recipe for the first time, so I'm going to use it to see if it's the right recipe.

4. After stirring, if you feel that there is no problem, start the sweet bread process, choose 900 g of weight, burn in color, in fact, choose 700 g of weight.

Steps 5 to 8

5. This bread maker has two stirring procedures in the first phase, and I put softened butter in the first stirring procedure for six minutes;

6. After mixing 1, take out a small piece of dough to see the effect, it's good.

7. Cut the kernel of the date palm;

8. There's a four-minute wake-up process after the first stirring, and the machine shows fermentation 1, at which point I pour the sliced dates into it, and four minutes later I start stirring 2.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After stirring 2, I pulled out a small piece of the surface and pulled out a film, which is still good.

10. Some baking machines need to do a mixing process in advance, and this Toshiba Magic Cloud Smart Baking Machine, I personally think that these two mixing processes are enough, there is no need to add a separate mixing process;

11. Finish baking;

12. It's finished, and it's more beautiful if it's taken out in its entirety before the last fermentation, but it's also good if it's not shaped.

13. The next morning I got up and took a picture, and then I went straight to breakfast, the bread was very soft, it was the best to eat, the thick date smell was so good to eat, at breakfast I was cut into pieces and eaten! It took more than two hours to make such a beautiful bread, I was still very satisfied!

Handy cooking tips

  Two more sentences: although it's a bread machine, but each bread machine is different, I've also used a few friends' bread machines, the dough kneading process is a process, usually in order to knead the dough, I add an extra dough kneading process, the dough kneading process itself is two dough kneading processes, so I think it's not necessary to add the dough separately; if you don't have a bread machine, but like this recipe, you can knead by hand, because I'm also using this recipe for the first time, if you knead by hand, you can pay attention to the amount of yogurt, because if the dough is different, the absorption will also be a little different, leaving about 10 g of soft dough.