Biscuits and bread

2023-10-29 19:47:00BREADS





200 grams of high-quality flour
60 grams of low-fat flour
180 grams of milk
3 (about 50 grams) of cooked egg yolk
20 g of white sugar
3.5 grams of yeast
25 grams of butter
3 grams of salt
White sugar (on the surface) in moderation
Proper amount of butter (brushed surface)

How TO MADE Biscuits and bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Three large boiled eggs, peeled and crushed after cooling

2. Put the material other than butter in the bread barrel and start the cooking and baking process.

3. At the end of the process, softened butter is added to restart the process.

4. After the second kneading and kneading process, the dough is rounded and fermented to 2-2.5 times its size.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The fermented dough is exhausted, divided into eight equal parts, rolled, covered with a preservative film, and relaxed for 15 minutes.

6. Shaping the dough into an ellipse

7. Folded backwards

8. Turn 90 degrees again.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Roll, squeeze, and re-ferment in the mold

10. Fermented again to twice the size, sliced, brushed with a layer of melted butter on the surface, and sprinkled with a layer of coarse white sugar

11. Put in a preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes at 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

Handy cooking tips

  The temperature and time of the final baking depends on the oven, my oven temperature is about twenty degrees higher, set to 140 degrees, in fact the thermometer in the oven shows more than 160 degrees.