Brick toast

2023-10-29 19:50:08BREADS


  This brick toast is a bit complicated to operate, but as long as you have your hands in the right place, Liso, you can also make brick toast that is comparable to the one in the store!



High starch powder 180 grams
50 grams of low-fat flour
3 grams of yeast
15 grams of fine sugar
50 grams of eggs
90 grams of water
20 grams of butter in the dough
100 grams of butter
2 grams of salt

How TO MADE Brick toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials except butter are packed in barrels, started and processed

2. When the dough is smooth, add the butter and continue to start the dough process.

3. When the dough is elastic (i.e. when a large thin film can be pulled out), remove

4. The dough is placed on the board.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Growing up in a big square

6. Wrap it in a preservative film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour until it hardens.

7. The flakes of butter are removed from the refrigerator's refrigeration compartment and squared.

8. The frozen slices are removed to make twice the amount of butter mentioned above.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put the butter on the plate.

10. Turn right to left

11. Turn left to right, press the right side of the face.

12. Change the direction of the plate by 90 degrees.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Growing up in a big square

14. Turn left from 1/4 to the right

15. Turn right from 1/4 on the left.

16. Swapping

Steps 17 to 20

17. 90 degrees in a different direction, growing a large square.

18. Turn left from 1/3 to the right

19. Turn left 1/3 to the right and press the screen.

20. Pressure down

Steps 21 to 24

21. It is a relatively large rectangular plate, about 1.5 cm thick.

22. Fix the irregular edges with a knife, and then divide the rectangular surface into nine equal parts.

23. Three in a set; each weighs 40 grams on an electronic scale, cutting out the excess slices and putting them aside for spare

24. Cut facing up and flatten with your fingers.

Steps 25 to 28

25. A group of three, ready to braid.

26. The braid is made, the mouth is tight, and the brick is placed in the toast mold.

27. The remaining two braids are prepared separately and placed in the mold for secondary fermentation.

28. The remaining edges can be squeezed together at will, placed in a small mold, and second fermented.

29. When the dough is 7 minutes long, preheat the oven, 220 degrees; when it is 8 minutes long, cover the toast box with a lid, and the small mold can be attached to a thick grill; put in the preheated oven, 220 degrees, medium, up and down, 35 minutes

30. Out of the oven, out of the mold, on the drying rack.

31. It's more addictive to eat by hand.

Handy cooking tips

  1. A box of brick toast for 360 grams, three braids.So a braid takes 120 grams, so each piece is 40 grams.So it's not hard to make beautiful bricks with good weight.Because it is inevitable that the edges will appear, unless you can make the dough as neat as a knife cut, without any waste; 2. the dough in the small mold ripens quickly, when baked for about 25 minutes, it can be removed to check, if it is ripe, do not put it back in the oven.Remove the mold and dry; 3. The cut must be facing upwards, pressed flat by hand, otherwise there will be no patterns; 4. The temperature and time of baking should be adjusted according to your oven.