Scented bread

2023-10-29 19:52:34BREADS


  I bought a big can of milk powder, tried to consume it as much as I could, and made a good choice of bread.



High powder 190 grams
40 grams of high-calcium high-iron powder
100 grams of water
22 grams of sugar
2.5 grams of yeast
14 grams of butter
2 grams of salt

How TO MADE Scented bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. In the bread barrel, add the water, the yeast, the high-flour milk powder, the salt, the sugar, add the butter after stirring for 20 minutes, and then rub it on the glove film.

2. Take the bread from the barrel and cover it with a wet cloth, ferment it at room temperature to twice the size, divide the fermented dough into four parts, exhaust it with a doughnut stick, rub it round for 15 minutes, rub it in growth bars, fold it against each other.

3. It is then rolled up in a knot and placed in an oven that is two to two times the size, with a plate of hot water at the bottom.

4. A well-fermented dough with a high amount of flour.

5. The oven is preheated at 160 degrees, the middle and lower layers are baked at 160 degrees for 25 minutes, and the tin paper can be covered after one minute in the oven to prevent the color from becoming too deep.


Handy cooking tips

  When the bread is warm, put it in a fresh bag, and the surface of the bread will be softer.