Heart-shaped bread

2023-10-29 19:52:59BREADS


  Heart-shaped coconut bread!!wow! It's so beautiful! It's so good to eat! It's so cool! Just look at the name, it's coconut, and it's heart-shaped, how yummy and meaningful, so what are you waiting for?Don't leave a grain of bread for your baby to eat for breakfast.Speaking of which, our little spinach man is really at home right now.Even though he's so small, he's a real gourmet.As long as I don't have to worry about breakfast, he won't eat well.He'd scoop up two spoons of grass, and then he'd say, "Mommy, if I don't feed him, he'll throw the spoon away, and if I don't feed him, he'll use the spoon to stir the bowl twice".I'm speechless.In the end, it's basically empty stomachs playing with blocks.I'm often lazy, I make toast directly from the bread maker, and the little spinach man has to put jam on it to eat it, and if there's no jam, people are lazy to eat two bites.God, what's he going to do when he goes to kindergarten? I recently found out that it's pretty fast to make bread and dough with a bread machine and dough, and then do it myself.So I started making bread every day again.The little spinach man eats and enjoys every day.When I woke up in the morning, I hadn't called him, and he climbed into the dining room chair and sat down and waited for the bread.And he eats it himself, he doesn't need me to feed him.So, when I'm cooking a good meal, all I have to do is look at the picture of the little spinach man eating it.Big and Little Banana Man are really happy, they have bad bread every day.I'm so happy! I can make my own bread, I can knock down a bakery street.So far, there hasn't been a bakery's bread that can keep a spinach man's stomach full.I couldn't figure out how many additives they were putting in, how much junk they were making.I've been going out to buy bread lately, and I think it's a waste of money, and it's expensive, and it's hard to eat.I'll do it myself, and my mouth is getting bigger.It's also a bad thing that I'm eating less and less food that satisfies me.Last birthday, Spinach Man took me out for a Western meal, and I ended up belittling the place.The chef in the middle ran over and asked how the food was, and I almost said, "No, it's not good".But you have to be polite and keep your mouth shut.



250 grams of high-quality flour
3 grams of yeast
40 grams of milk
One egg.
30 grams of butter
The ingredients of the filling: 82 grams of coconut
White sugar 25 grams
20 g of white sugar
3 grams of salt

How TO MADE Heart-shaped bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients of the bread, except the butter, are put into the baking machine to make the dough.

2. After the dough is cooked, the butter is added and the dough is smooth.

3. It is fermented in a warm place to 2-3 times its size.

4. After removing the exhaust, divide into eight equal parts, roll in a circle, and relax for 20 minutes at room temperature.

Steps 5 to 8

5. In the meantime, let's make a coconut filling.

6. Butter is reheated at room temperature.

7. Add white sugar and butter in a large bowl and rub evenly.

8. Then add the coconut to the mixture.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add the milk, add a little bit, and you can see that the coconut has absorbed the juice.

10. Divide all the coconut fillings into eight equal parts and grind them into eight coconut balls.

11. Take a loose loaf of bread and wrap it in coconut oil.

12. It is olive-shaped.

Steps 13 to 16

13. And then fold it in half.

14. Fold it in half again.

15. Use a fruit knife to make a small cut in the middle of the folded dough, but do not cut it.

16. Separate the two sides with your hands, and a beautiful heart shape comes out.

17. All the bread is done and left to ferment in a warm place.

18. After fermentation to 2-3 times the size, the oven is preheated at 180 ° and baked for 18 minutes.

19. When baking, be careful, if the color is heavy, cover it with tin paper.


Handy cooking tips

  1. The milk in the bread ingredient can be exchanged for various vegetable juices, which both allows the child to absorb the nutrition of vegetables and makes him happy to eat, much better than forcing him to eat a bunch of vegetables.The kids hate eating green vegetables.2. If you don't like high fat, you can remove the butter from the coconut filling, which is also super delicious.