Cabbage bread

2023-10-29 19:54:34BREADS





15 grams of whole eggs
Fillings: 15 grams of whole egg juice
Surface brush: moderate amount of whole egg juice
140 grams of high-quality flour
1 teaspoon of dry yeast
20 grams of pure sugar powder
1/4 teaspoon of salt
6 grams of milk powder
12 grams of corn oil
80 grams of water
Fillings: 30 grams of coconut oil
15 grams of butter
Fillings: 15 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Cabbage bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Collection of raw materials

2. Use half water-soluble dry yeast in the recipe

3. The remaining ingredients (including corn oil) are mixed evenly and kneaded into a dough.

4. Add the water slowly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Grinding to the stage of expansion that pulls out the film

6. The finished dough is placed in a bowl, covered with a preservative film, and first fermented at room temperature.

7. When the dough is fermented, make a coconut filling: weigh all the ingredients well

8. 2 Butter softened at room temperature, mixed evenly with whole egg yolk and fine sugar, divided into four equal parts, put in the refrigerator for storage

Steps 9 to 12

9. After about an hour, the dough is fermented to two and a half times the size, the flour is applied with the finger, a hole is drilled in the top of the dough, the hole does not collapse, does not shrink, but remains in its original form, the fermentation is completed

10. The fermented dough is exhausted, divided into four equal parts, kneaded, covered with a preservative film, relaxed at room temperature for 15 minutes

11. Take a piece of dough and knead it into round slices.

12. Turn it over and put it in the filling.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Wrap the filling and put the lid down.

14. Cover with a preservative film, relax for five minutes, and gently press the wrapped dough into a round cake; first use a scissors to cut the edges of the round cake into four equal portions; then cut another portion in the middle of each portion, becoming eight equal portions; use your hand to take a small piece of dough, turn it inward, fill it inward, and put it one by one in a beautiful shape

15. Second fermentation in a warm and humid place

16. After the second fermentation, brush the whole liquid on the surface.

17. Oven middle layer, 180 degrees, 15 minutes