Caterpillar bread

2023-10-29 19:54:37BREADS





500 grams of flour
140 grams of milk
75 grams of whole eggs
80 grams of fine sugar
110 grams of cream
40 grams of butter
5 grams of yeast
6 grams of salt
100 grams of sesame seeds

How TO MADE Caterpillar bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Middle: 350 grams of bread flour, 5 grams of dry yeast, 140 grams of milk, 75 grams of whole eggs

2. The yeast in the medium is dissolved in warm milk, then mixed with the other ingredients in the medium, and placed in a warm place for basic fermentation to about four times.

3. It rises and falls unevenly.

4. Main dough: 150 grams of golden bread flour, 80 grams of refined sugar, 6 grams of salt, 110 grams of light cream, 40 grams of butter.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After the seeds are cooked, they are removed, cut into small pieces, and mixed with the main dough ingredients to expand.

6. Adding butter

7. Rub until the film is completely pulled out.

8. 30 minutes of relaxation

Steps 9 to 12

9. After loosening, the dough is removed from the exhaust, divided into 60 g/g, and loosened for 15 minutes after rolling.

10. After loosening, the dough is rolled into a wide oval, cut in half from the bottom into several thin strips of about 0.6 cm, the top part is placed on the jam, rolled from top to bottom in a roll.

11. Try to press the small strip as far as possible at the bottom.

12. The dough is placed in the baking tray for final fermentation.

13. Finally fermented to about twice the size, scrub the surface with egg juice

14. Preheated in an oven at 175 °C, medium layer, top and bottom fire, about 18 to 20 minutes to see the surface golden yellow is good.

15. Immediately after cooking, it is removed from the mold and cooled in the oven.
