Flower toast

2023-10-29 19:54:44BREADS


  I've been wanting to make this toast for a long time, but I've always felt that mixing two colors of dough is a lot of trouble, so I got up early yesterday, mixed the dough, baked it in the afternoon, and it finally came out today.I've never made bread with cocoa powder, so I thought it would be enough to add a little bit, who knows, I added it three times to feel the color.The two doughs are divided into 12 small doughs, which is more difficult, but it's better to grow them, and the next time you do it, you can divide them into six pieces.This time the baking temperature was raised by 5 degrees, because the toast was a little shrunken, this time it was changed to 185 degrees for 40 minutes, it seems that the temperature is a little high, the bottom of the toast is a little thick, next time the temperature should be lowered by 5 degrees, the time should be extended by 5 minutes.



160 grams of flour
110 grams of flour
10 grams of cocoa powder
20 grams of unsalted butter
10 g of white sugar
1 gram of salt
3 grams of yeast powder
56 grams of whole eggs
125 grams of water

How TO MADE Flower toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. Except for butter, it is added to the material in the order of liquid and solid.

2. The salt and sugar are placed opposite each other, and the yeast is placed in the middle.

3. Stir slightly with a rubber scraper to prevent the dry powder from rising when stirred in the baking machine.

4. Start a 15-minute kneading process, then add softened butter, and start a kneading process again.

Steps 5 to 8

5. With ten minutes left, pause, remove half of the dough, add cocoa powder, and continue to knead the dough.

6. You can pull out the transparent film.

7. The white dough is rubbed with the hand for a few minutes to pull out the transparent film.

8. Fold the two doughs separately, put them in a container, cover them with a fresh film to ferment.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dough is fermented to 2.5 times its original size, and you can poke small holes in the flour with your fingers so that it doesn't shrink or collapse.

10. The fermented dough is removed, the total weight is indicated separately, divided into 12 equal parts, again exhausted, rolled round.

11. Then loosen the coating for 15 to 20 minutes.

12. When it is relaxed, roll it again, and put the two colors alternately in the toast box.

Steps 13 to 16

13. It's all intertwined.

14. Second fermentation to 8 minutes full.

15. (This fermentation is so full that the lid almost doesn't cover it.)

16. )

17. The oven is preheated, 185 degrees, middle and lower layers, up and down fire, baking for 40 minutes.

18. Quickly demodulated after firing.

19. (The two white pieces on top are flour, and the second one is too full, so I squeezed the flour down a little with my finger, and I couldn't get rid of it.)

20. )

Handy cooking tips

  The amount of liquid is increased or decreased according to the water absorption of the flour.The baking temperature is adjusted according to the temperament of the oven.